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Name: Shana
Race: half angel, half demon
personality: quick-witted, but rash, friendly enough, won't use powers unless necessary, worried how someone like her could make friends.
powers: able to transform, has an angel's voice (like a siren's), has power over all the elements, has demonic powers, can cause world destruction, has power to go through worlds, and space, and time, and stuff.... she still hasn't found all her powers yet, that's why she's going to Trinity Academy.
when she gets angry, her eyes turn bright red, her hair turns red, depending on what element she's using, like water is blue.
family: a rich father and mother, her real parents dead. because she isn't human, she's treated like a family treasure, and treasured, she has a sister, but she didn't get angel or demon blood somehow, her parents only see her, they ignore Shana. they ignore Shana's feelings thinking that since she's so well kept and listened to, she's ok, so she's all alone.
in her parents' eyes, there is only her sister to take care of.
weapon: a silver obsidian bracelet that can change into any weapon of her choice.
she loves animals, and is very cautious over who to let be her friend. she's super fast, and fights with ease, she never tries her hardest in battle, and super powerful, but everytime she uses her full power, part of her soul disappears. she is trained in every skill in weapons and hand fighting and all that whatnot, all she needs help on is controlling her power, before it overcomes her.