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8th guild anniversary WRITING CONTEST

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Lady Blodwynn

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:39 am
Budding writers gather round, for we are issuing forth a challenge to you! Will the valiant Warrior Priest be able to redeem himself for his past failures? Can the cruel Chaos Lord get even with his rival over a daemonic pact gone wrong? Will the super sexy spy get the double entendre named girl and the top secret files? These are just some of the examples of what you could write about.

To spice things up a bit we're broadening the themes to not just include Games Workshop, but any tabletop / roleplaying game can and will do. So any type or brand of war game is allowed and is considered a legit entry.

The contest will run from the 6th of August until the 16th of September, giving you ample time to write up a good read for us and hopefully win some gold in the process!

1. Your entry should be at least 1000 words long and adhere to proper punctuation and paragraphing as with most other formats of fiction. Please also take proper time to check for spelling!

2. Stories may take place in any of the established settings set by the source materials. This also means that you are to respect the source material and not twist it to your own views.

3. Finished entries are to be posted here by the author along with the title. A title is important!

First place: 10000 gold
Second place: 7500 gold
Third place: 5000 gold
Poll winner: 5000 gold

If you have any questions feel free to post them here.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:43 am
[Question: How many entries can we put up? I've so many great ideas.]


The Warp Cutters

by clairvaux_chris





In the hallowed darkness aboard the Strike Cruiser, ninety-four Space Marines had gathered in the Reclusiam.

Testament to their legendary disciple, they stood still as the statues that had borne vigil over the hall in the long decades the ship brought war to the galaxy's routes and ways. An outsider bearing witness to the gathering would have been amazed at the sight, a company of the finest warriors standing at respectful attention in the most sacred area of the ship, surrounded by proof of their glory; rusted banners topped with crude sigils of axes and skulls lining the walls while sleek weapons of exotic and efficient design lay encased behind stasis fields. All those and a thousand more relics and items of worth, an incalculable fortune in honor and glory.

However, a discerning observer might have detected certain tells. Here, a battle brother's fingers twitched. There, another brother blew out a rattling breath through his vox grille. All over the company, there were signs of impatience. A fraternity born and bred for righteous and merciless action were champing at the bit, eager to wreak slaughter the xenos invaders on the planet below with shrieking chainblade and roaring bolter, to decorate the Reclusiam with even more proof of their blessed might.

But that had to wait. They would not be gathered here, standing amidst the relics and trophies while Imperial souls bled and died, fighting to keep the enemy at bay for just one second longer.

The massive double doors opened with an echoing creak and each marine stiffened reflexively. The chamber had begun to tingle, a slow-building charge in the air like pressure before a storm.

Slowly, the new arrivals, eight in total, made their way to the Reclusiam's raised dais, thier pace ritually slow, almost as if their prononcement bore the weight of the galaxy. Of all the Astartes aboard the vessel, none could have been more important than these.

Marching in a loose arrowhead formation, five of them were clad in Terminator plate of pearl black hue, the left pauldron and gauntlets on each trimmed and painted in gold. One clutched the company's standard, a pole decoratively topped by an aquila. Upon this, hung a banner depicting a raven with crossed skull-and-bones at its heart. Sigils symbolizing meritorious actions, four symbols were sewn upon the either side of the raven.

Ahead of these giants, striding abreast of each other, were the company's leaders. To the left was a figure in deep blue power armour, seeming slight amidst the other Astartes. He was wrapped in a toga of ancient sail cloth, the armor underneath was graven with various prayers and scripts, as was the power staff in his grasp.

The figure at the far right was a sight out of a nightmare. Underneath his sail cloth robes, his ebon armor was carved and painted into the a grimly accurate likeness of a skeleton, hard red light glaring out from the sockets underneath the hood. The crozius arcanum in his armored paw was shaped incongruously like an anchor, the points jutting out from the skull that housed the generator.

At the head, marched the captain. His honour-decked Terminator armor showed signs of constant loving care, the lustre of the pearl brilliant while the gold paint shone. The helm was tucked under an arm and the captain's battleworn face was set in a granite scowl, his great red beard hanging down in plaits. This was Henrik Morganius called the Bloody Beard, Captain of the Black Locks Fourth Company and a lauded hero of the Haiyani Spinworlds campaign. And his news was indeed important enough to pause in the prosecution of a counter invasion.

The group finally stood before the assemblage, their backs to a great stained-glass representation of Chapter Master Ahab Blackbeard standing triumphant over a pile of Dark Eldar reavers. His eyes, one sea green and the other augmentic red, scanned each battle battle brother, almost as if he was reading their intentions and desires.

"My brothers," When he spoke, his voice had the low timbre of a building tidal wave. "It is as Epistolary Mondego has predicted." Under his beard, the captain grinned, showing teeth that were half adamantine replacements. The company broke out in low conversation, unable to hide their excitement. The energy in the air was now crackling.

"It is here. The Halcyon Piece is upon this world."

This time, the company could not stop itself from breaking out in low conversation. The Halcyon Piece, from what Epistolary Mondego and the Librarium could ascertain, was but one part of a mythical map that would lead them to the legendary Prize, the dearest hope of their Chapter. To say the least, such a find would lead them closer to the kind of glory their brethren, even their cousin Astartes, could only dream about.

Sergeants shouted down the members of their squads into silence before Morganius could continue. The brute grin upon the captain's face widened. This was exactly what he wanted.

"Thanks to the interceptions we've made upon systemfall, the greenskins have no idea that we're even up here," Morganius continued with a low and dirty chuckle that was echoed. "Once we drop, it won't even be hilarious."

His gaze left them, affixing itself to some far away, far beyond the world of bleak hope and constant bloodshed, somewhere only his thoughts could reach and be welcomed. "Just think of it," he said, his tone as wistful as a posthuman voice could allow.

There was a short meaningful silence as each battle brother found themselves dreaming of the honor they would hope to win. And for the glorious rebirth of the Sons of the Calico Stars.

One couldn't tell where and when it began. Perhaps a brother stirred by the visions. Perhaps even the Emperor Himself willing his sons onward. For whatever reason, the brethren began to sing.

As the battle brothers filed out of the Reclusiam, the song began to pick up in volume and emotion. Such was honesty of the tune that it echoed throughout the strike cruiser, every living throat aboard bawling out the words that have been sung since the first Black Locks set sail amidst the stars.

Even as they boarded their drop pods, even as the Thunderhawks left the bays, even as the bridge crew readied the vessel's mighty orbital bombardment batteries, the refrain carried far, far and away...

"To the galaxy's end!
And to treasure untold!
Beyond the farthest stars we go!
There is no fear that we shall know!
For The Emperor, YO HO HO!"

The doom of the greenskins came swiftly that day.

"I was at the front that day, commanding the PDF. Well, what was left of us, at any rate. I remember thinking how it was like spitting at a wave, the fuqqin orks were so fuqqin many. A damned sea of them. Afterwards, Seg-Com said there were less of them that we originally thought, not even a WAAGH, but we didn't know that. We were young and stupid then.

They'd gotten closer and my boys were just about ready to s**t themselves. Barely threw out the 'fix bayonets' when... They came. The Astartes. Raining from the Throne-damned sky. The Angels of Death, decked out in black and gold, swinging blades bigger than us. Then I was thinking, 'Wow. Just wow'.

I'm not gonna tell you how well they did and how they turned the tide. There ain't words for it, first time you see it for yourself. They saved us. They just damn saved us.

No, we didn't get to chat with them. 'Least I didn't. Got too busy reforming the survivors. But from what I heard, the governor was ready to throw 'em a big to-do, parades and all that. But they said no. They did get something for their troubles. And from what I heard, they were real fuqqin happy."
- Excerpt from "The Blue and The Gold", Memoirs of Col. Collin Antic, 1st Titiana PDF


Dapper Dabbler

Vikki Stardust

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:25 am
[Question: How many entries can we put up? I've so many great ideas.]
One entry per participant.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 8:00 pm
Vikki Stardust
One entry per participant.

Cool. smile Just the one above, then.  


Dapper Dabbler

Jason Kharo

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:33 pm
Fall of the Falcons

It was a joyous day. A day of praise and thanks to the Emperor for an unseen blessing. A day for celebration.

Sergeant Lakanos Vergal of the 3rd company knelt in observation to the figure standing at the head of the altar. A being of immense power, his psychic abilities unmatched within the galaxy and his legions uncountable, stood above the kneeling Marines. All stood at the same time and saluted the Emperor. Their father and leader, giver of great power and skill. It was the Emperor which gave them the power to wipe out the enemies of Mankind.

The cause for the celebration was the victorious battle of Raffenburg's World, where the Great Blessing was bestowed amongst the new found chapter. The Flame Falcons were part of the 21st Founding. Some say it was a Cursed Founding, but this obvious miracle proved the rumours to be false and clearly made up, by who, none but could know. The Chapter was young, only just reaching one hundred years old, yet they had fought dozens of battles within that century, besting many different foes of the Imperium with the tactical skill and determination that the Space Marines were known for. The greatest battle had been the battle for Raffenburg's World, against the forces of the Warp's Hand Chaos Marine warband.

It had cost the Chapter the lives of one hundred and fifty Marines, but the traitor's had lost a hundred times that number, the treasonous guardsmen and Chaos Marines falling beneath the onslaught of the Flame Falcons. There was one point in the battle where the fighting was thickest, the Chapter Master and his retinue of terminators spearheaded an attack into the enemies lines; this is where the Great Blessing came among the Space Marines. Battling hand to hand against the Chaos Lord's own deadly retinue, the Falcons were hard pressed and on the verge of calling a retreat in the face of the overwhelming enemy presence. But it was not to be. With an almighty roar, the Chapter Master burst into flames, along with the rest of the first company, then all down the line the rest of the Flame Falcons started to burn with purging fire. The Chaos Legions were smashed back to their stronghold then wiped off the planet, which was soon bombarded from orbit to scour the taint from the once holy world.

"Rise my brothers." A voice rang out in the hall, resonating around the kilometres high and long staging area. It was a voice filled with authority and power, one who knew what he was doing and would do anything to accomplish any task, a being of combat prowess unmatched within the chapter, a Space Marine of incredible tactical wit and genius. Lord Master Korhal Lexan, leader of the Flame Falcons and wielder of the Sacred Flame. The Chapter Master stood a head above even the biggest Space Marines in the hall, which was a good six hundred and fifty Marines, while the other two hundred, the 6th and 7th companies stood guard over the Fortress Monastery.

At his side was the Master of Faith within the Chapter, Chaplain Verhona, while at the Master's right was Chief Librarian Kavrin. Several paces behind them was the Chapter's squad of ten Honour Guard, with the banner held high behind the Lord Master of the chapter, who's armour was both stunning, beautiful and war-like at the same time. His face was powerful and angular, eyes like the cold feel of adamantium and jet black hair cropped short. Unlike the majority of the Flame Falcons, who shared a mostly unanimous look, piercing blue eyes and a slightly tanned skin colour, the Masters of the chapter came from three other, older chapters. Master Lexan originated from the Mantis Warriors Chapter, but had undergone a somewhat risky gene-changing procedure, while Verhona came from the Invaders and Kavrin from the Raven Guard.

Vergal felt righteousness well up in his breast and he let our a roar of exultation, his fist flying to the air with the rest of the Chapter, the ear shattering cry shook the Hall of Flame, before dying down as the Lord Master brought his gauntleted hands up in a show of quiet. As one, the Chapter hall was silent. "Flame Brothers." He started, taking a step forward to the edge of the stone podium. "Do you know what they call our founding? They call it Cursed. They wanted to have us wiped from the face of the galaxy. They wanted to destroy us when we were merely whelps." Lexan said, his voice building up with a hint of fury. "Cursed? We are not cursed brothers. We are blessed! Blessed by the Emperor and Primarch, is what we are, Brothers." His voice alive with power, a faint flicker of fire starting upon his gauntlets. "We proved them wrong! We beat the rumours, as surely as we destroyed the Traitor Marines. We are pure, brethren. Pure, righteous Crusaders of the Emperor. Let none take that from us!" Korhal shouted, as his body burst into fire, flowing over his armour as the companies arrayed before him also set alight, aside from the two other outsiders, who gave voice to their victory and blessing. The celebrations, that of feasting, drinking and giving praise to the Emperor, had begone in earnest.

Inquistor Narlis Hexpur thought to himself, sat in the Strategium of the Grand Cruiser Righteous Harbringer, listening to Colonel Arkimas and Admiral Jurval's reports of what happened upon the purged planet below. Narlis Hexpur was of a newly created order of the Inquisition. Ordo Maledicta. Formed to watch over the 21st Founding and report on each new Chapter's activities as they came. With the power of the entire Inquisition behind them, only the orders of the Inquisitorial Representative from the Council of Terra could remove a Maledicta Inquisitor from his role. He had the powers of an Inquisitor, which were ample enough to hunt down most threats to the Inquisition, but if Space Marines went renegade or needed to be halted, more than Storm Troopers and Guardsmen would be needed. The Maledicta Scroll gave Hexpur the power to requuisition any and all Imperial soldiers, meaning that Scroll could give him access to taking control of a Squad of Space Marines, or the highest Chapter Master.

He was thinking about reports from the other Chapters of the Cursed founding, mainly about the news of the now renegade Lamenters and other mutations from the Black Dragons. Abnormal bone growths were barely tolerated, but bursting into flames? That was something completely different. Something like that had made many negative externalities and costs. It was not considered human to burst into flames. That reasoning easily made the Inquisitor's mind up.

His attention returned to the current situation. The Admiral was talking about how he had defeated the traitor's cruiser squadron with the help of the Falcons. "Silence." Narlis said, raising his hand to stop the man from talking any more. "I have all I need." He said curtly, before standing up and turning upon his heel, heading straight back to his personal shuttle, then back onto his ship. The Daemon Class ship class was extremely rare, two been gifted to the Ordo Maledicta on their birth. This one had been given to Hexpur and was named the The Annihilator's Truth, or The Truth as she was more commonly known.

"Captain, take us to the outskirts of the Lethe system." He ordered quickly as the ominous Inquisition shuttle landed. Narlis was a tall man in specially crafted Artificer armour, no where near as bulky as the Space Marine equivalent however. At his hip was a Power Sword and a Needle Pistol, departing behind him came a squad of Imperial Crusaders, complete with power sword and Storm Shield. They made for an intimidating sight, but the figure that watched them depart and waited to meet them had seen much worse than an Imperial Inquisitor.

"Grand Master, I have what I need. Begin the attack." Narlis said to the figure as he walked through an open doorway towards the bridge, followed by the hulking warrior. "System, fleet and planetary sensors are already jammed. Attack commencing." Grand Master Galathrios of the Grey Knights replied, resting one hand upon his weapon hilt in anticipation for the oncoming battle.

In high orbit above the Flame Falcon's home planet, fire blossomed in the sky as the Space Marine's fleet was ripped apart from suddenly revealed enemy ships. After the short battle, which the Astartes fleet had been obliterated while they sought to raise their shields and muster some sort of counter-attack, the Inquisitorial Task Force Fleet begun their bombardment of the Fortress Monastery, which was soon followed by dozens of Drop Pods and Thunderhawk Gunships.

The extermination of the Flame Falcons had begun.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:20 pm
A Man of Krieg
The Telling Truth

"You did what?" his voice was soft and gentle but she knew the storm that lay just behind this placid exterior.

"I… I had the baby aborted. The Chapter Chaplin said it was not conceived with the blessing of the God-Emperor and, there for, was a sin against the Imperium." Her eyes were already red and puffy, the fear of his reaction and the shame of her own actions weighed heavy upon her heart. "Please, my love, please. I did it for us. We can try again. We ca-"

Her words were cut off as the building rage escaped his pale lips in a massive explosion and his heated breath carried the sounds of uncontrollable anger throughout the caves. Tears ran down her pale cheek as she fell to her knees and cried into her hands, wishing none of this had transpired the way it had.

"Tell me, how many times we have tried to fill this home with a child!? A single child!?" His eyes, dark and hidden in shadow, were sealed tight as tears slid down his trembling face. "HOW MANY?!"

The dam broke as a flood of tears assaulted the ground from between her fingers. Her voice cracked as she tried to do as he commanded. "Tw-twenty-five… twenty-five times…"

"And how many times has a child be conceived?" he whispered as mournful eyes slowly opened as he turned his gaze upon her. His breath had become ragged, leaving his lips in staggering exhales as sharp inhales filled the room with their piercing wisps.

She looked up at him as if to ask if she really had to answer but, the moment her eyes met his, she knew she would have to. "Five… five conceptions…"

"Now, tell me what happened to them." He stood there, eyes fixed upon her, fist clenched, a mixture of pain and anger lancing stone like his features.

She didn't want to, shaking her head in a futile attempt to cast the question from her head as she failed at choking back sobs. It wasn't really a choice though; she knew he would not let her be if she did not answer. "Two miscarriages, one still birth, one lost during the raid in town when the support beam off the building fell and hit me..." She looked up at him, wondering if that was what he had wanted to hear.

"And," sobs slipped between his teeth as the pearly whites began to grow red as they cut into pale lips and he turned to look at the picture of the God-Emperor, "One taken from us because of this false Emperor. Protect the innocent, save guard the weak, and defend humanity. ******** lies!" His fist lashed out against the hard rock that made up the walls of their small home, the flack armor striking the rigid stones with a crack. "Would God truly kill a child because it didn't have his 'blessing' when conceived? My God is now dead… as are you and the rest of this forsaken planet. I'd rather be in those forsaken Trenches right no-"

"NO!" She clung to his boots, crying as she pulled herself closer and closer. "Please, we'll get a blessing and we will try. We will try tonight. Every night till a child is ours. Please, do not go to the Trenches. Please, do not leave me. I will die without you." She slowly crawled up his body in an attempt to look into his eyes as she placed her hands on his thin frame, pleading one more time.

"Please, I know… I… I have not been faithful to you and I have hurt you by allowing our child to be taken from us but I was hurt just as much. Please, please… I want us to work. I need you. Please… we will go right now, get our blessings, come home, and try to make a baby. Please… I beg you."

He gave a sigh, it wasn't that easy, he couldn't just let this go but he would give it another try; if not for him, then at least for her. "I do not believe in the God-Emperor’s love for us anymore but I will go with you to get our blessing. We will try again. I am sorry for all I have done to you. I do not wish to be like this but," he bit his lip hard as he tried to keep the tears from welling up again, "I feel like you let them kill a part of me. You let them kill the only thing that keeps me in this world. I fight for you, for our child, for the children we are to have. Without that, without you or a child of my own, I have nothing to live for; I might as well give myself up to the Ruinous Powers and let them tear this wretched soul asunder."

She shook her head vigorously, casting thoughts of what might become of him if no child was born soon, as she muttered about her love and sorrow towards and for him. As the words ‘I love you’ and ‘I am sorry for everything’ left his lips, it was as if the dark clouds had parted and there was a ray of hope shining upon her. She slowly stood, whipping the dirt and tears from her face as she embraced him fully, taking his hands as whispers fluttered between them. She spoke of forgiveness for herself and for her actions over and over, begging him to at least allow her to try and to make it up to them.

His small grunt was more then she deserved and she knew it. A small nod was followed by a light kiss that wasn't returned as a sigh slipped those same unkissing lips. It would be better; she would make sure of that, even if it killed her. She would have another child, she would make him see she wanted this, she would show him she was sorry for everything but, for now, it was simply her and her man of Krieg.  

The Telling Truth

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Greedy Partner

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 3:13 am
From DarkElf27, who can't upload this himself due to being stuck on a nuclear wessel.

“Sir, he’s here!”

Darren Tredfeld, commander of the Adeptus Arbites Precinct on the capital city of Zenigrad, Vedan IV, stared dumbstruck at his secretary, who had burst in the door pale-faced and sweating. Tredfeld dropped his pen in the middle of signing a requisition form for a replacement armored transport. His own face turned as white as his secretary’s, and for a moment, he was completely lost for words.

A building at the northeastern edge of the city had been taken over by heretics, a very minor rebellion. In most situations, the Arbites would simply have the building shelled into rubble, and have a squad rifle through the rubble and execute any survivors. However, the building was a shrine, St. Apocles, containing more than one major Imperial relic; commander Tredfeld had already sent three parties of veteran Arbites, in an attempt to retrieve them. They had all ended Vox contact within ten minutes of entering the building, and were not heard from again. Darren had received a memo that an Ultramarines transport would be rendezvousing with other elements of its fleet in orbit above Vedan IV, and he had send a request for aide to the transport, knowing that even a handful of the Space Marines onboard would be able to end the situation in a matter of days, instead of the long siege on the building that Tredfeld was faced with; he did not like the idea of losing any more of his men in the effort. It was mostly a shot in the dark, he knew that the Adeptus Astartes never meddled with local matters, he had only really sent the request as a formality.

But ‘he’ was here.

Who, he wondered. Their commander? Some sort of representative?

“Er, send him in, quickly!” The secretary wheeled around, the door not quite shut behind him. Darren looked around himself, sat straighter in his chair, sweeping the forgotten requisition form into a drawer as well as a few other papers, revealing an Aquila burnt into the table whose wingtips stretched from one end of the wooden desk to the other. Pulling his sleeves taut in an attempt to smooth wrinkles, he heard heavy footsteps coming towards the door and took in a deep breath as he watched it open.

The Astartes was not out of place in the tall archways and ceilings of the armored Arbites courthouse, but seeing the god-like warrior next to his secretary -fully 3 feet shorter than the armored soldier- gave Darren perspective. The commander was momentarily speechless as the gargantuan Space Marine approached his desk; Darren very much expected to see cracks in the stone floor where the soldier had stepped. The commander stood as tall as he could; at 6’4”, he dwarfed most of his staff, but had to crane his head back to look into the gleaming, armored eyes of the giant.

“I can’t say I actually expected that the Ultramarines would send any aide. Are your comrades waiting downstairs, or…?”

“I am alone.” Darren pondered that a moment.

“I see. Did your superiors brief you on the situation here?”

“Yes.” The Arbites commander was slightly taken aback by the short responses by the Marine; it made his own speech feel rather awkward.

“Well then. I’ll see to it personally that you are escorted to the site immediately, we would like this matter cleared up within the week.”

“The Emperors Light and her fleet leave in seven hours. I will be done by then.”

Darren was incredulous at this, but managed to contain this.

“I’d better let you be on your way, then.” He bent downwards slightly and pressed a button under the edge of the table, activating a comlink to his secretary.

“Dobbs, arrange for an armored transport in front of the main entrance to bring our guest to the site.”

“Yes sir, immediately.”

Commander Tredfeld looked up at the Marine and smiled. “Looks like you’re on a tight schedule, you’d best make your way downstairs to the transport.

The Space Marine raised both of his hands –the commander flinched involuntarily- and formed the sign of the Aquila across his chest, over the actual Aquila that was imprinted onto his armor.

“The Emperor protects.”

The Space Marine wheeled and strode from the room, and Darren sat heavily behind his desk once more, wiping sweat from his brow and forehead. Hell, he’s on our side, and he scares me shitless. Those heretics are well and truly screwed, poor bastards.

+ + +

Quinn Carnn was a rather aged man, who frequently said that he'd spent about a third of his life behind the controls of an APC. The 56-year-old had spent 32 of those years as a driver, and knew the inside of a Rhino armored transport better than most men knew their wives.

This was one of the many reasons he was annoyed about having been recommissioned to a Chimera. His regular transport, a Rhino lovingly dubbed “Fire Magnet,” had been tagged by a rocket earlier this week, bringing Arbites to St. Apocles. The missile had blown one of the side hatches wide open, killing most of the Arbites outright, and blasting the tread to hell and gone. The old warhorse was totaled; Quinn had sent a request for a new Rhino to the precinct commander, but he had no idea when it would find its way to the man's desk. Perhaps it already had, and had passed from that desk to a disposal unit, or to a secretary, or maybe it actually had been requisitioned, but wherever that piece of paper was in the bureaucracy, Quinn was still stuck with the Chimera for now.

When he heard that he was to take a Space Marine to the shrine, he particularly lamented the loss of his Rhino; Chimeras really weren't built to house the massive warriors, where a Rhino could carry nearly a dozen of them. Though he'd driven a Rhino for years and years, he'd never actually seen any of their intended occupants, the Space Marines, the giant Astartes for which the transport was designed. The warrior was massive enough to show up on the tactical readout on the Chimera's controls, the readout which was supposed to identify nearby vehicles. Quinn got a glimpse of the Astartes in his deep blue armor, trimmed in gold, but only a glimpse; in a moment, the entire Chimera leaned slightly when the Space Marine stepped into the back of it.

Once he heard the rear hatch sealing shut, pneumatic clamps locking it into place, Quinn started the engine of the Chimera, the difference in engine tone grating against his ears as he swung it into the abandoned streets. It handles as though I'm carrying a full squad, or a Cyclops, he thought in mild awe, realizing that the Space Marine probably did weigh about as much as a Cyclops remote detonation vehicle.

Evidence of the fighting was visible long before St. Apocles was visible. Barricades were across the streets to keep civilians away from the danger area, which occupied well over a dozen city blocks around the shrine. The Chimera was waved through by an Arbites, four guardsmen hastily removing a barricade from the path of Quinn's vehicle. He was able to take the vehicle about two blocks closer, before running into a line of rubble.

The buildings adjacent to St. Apocles shrine had been leveled by placed charges, to prevent the escape of heretics; these buildings contained no holy artifacts, so they were, by comparison, expendable. Replaceable. It prevented the heretics from taking over nearby buildings, effectively isolating them. If they had taken any other building but a shrine, it would have met the same fate: an explosive destruction, along with all of its inhabitants.

As Quinn pulled the APC to a stop and dropped the rear hatch, he wondered what exactly they were going to do with him. They weren't going to send him in alone... Were they? He shrugged such thoughts from his mind as the Astartes exited the tank, and the aging man turned it around, heading back to the Precinct. 's no business of mine, and that's the truth.

+ + +

The shrine was pockmarked with thousands upon thousands of holes, scored by both bullets and lasers over the course of the last several days, the building hardly damaged structurally by the fire, but losing most, if not all of its grandeur. Every one of a hundred stained-glass windows were shattered, dozens of intricate carvings were pockmarked with bullet holes, the once-majestic gates were battered and barricaded. Captain James Hedran had been subjected to this sight for the last 48 hours, as his platoon of the Planetary Defense force had been deployed around St. Apocles. He had ordered the shelling of the surrounding buildings, and had some five hundred men surrounding the building, heavy weapons trained on every window, door, and hole.

Captain Hedran had seen three separate teams of the Arbites enter the shrine, and not come out, let alone the critical relics. He was losing confidence that they would be able to retrieve the relics intact, and would have to shell the shrine as well, an act that might well make him a target for the Inquisition's gaze, something he wanted to avoid at all costs. Including his own men, if it came to that.

For the most part, the officer had been left out of the plans of the Adeptus Arbites, something he resented greatly, since they'd ordered him and his men to this position. His own men hadn't been ordered in yet, the Arbites, staying very separate as always, had send in its own teams, unsuccessfully. James worried that his men would be sent in next, but relaxed slightly when he saw a fourth Arbites transport reach the command center. Instead of a dozen troopers with shotguns and carapace, however, a towering Adeptus Astartes stepped from it, holding a gun, a bolter with a barrel as big around as James's fist. The commander had seen enough heavy duty weapons in his time serving in the PDF, but the bolter the Astartes carried... Hedran hadn't seen anything approaching its size that wasn't carried by two men and mounted on a tripod.

He glanced to the sides, at his aides bustling about, one sitting at a radio, another rolling maps and old blueprints up, a pair of grunts dragging an ammo crate in between them... And a PDF guardsmen, half-concealed behind a section of crumbled wall, smoking one of the cheap cigarettes that the men always seemed to get their hands on.

“You there!” Captain Hedran used his most intimidating voice, and watched as the guardsmen jolted, the cigarette flying from his lips as he stared, wide-eyed at his superior.


“The Arbites have sent us something new. Go down and show him to the command center.” James pointed at the Astartes standing outside, and watched as the guardsman's knees nearly buckled, his face turning even paler.

“Y-... Yes sir!”

Hedran watched the recruit go out into the street, before nodding to the aide who was sorting through blueprints, rolling them out on a metal folding table. The command center was in the last corner standing of one of the shelled perimeter buildings, both offering protection and a slightly closer position to the looming St. Apocles shrine. Ammunition was stored here, all the spare equipment that was needed for the dozens of heavy weapons groups that were positioned around the temple, along with the voxcaster equipment to keep track of them all. A tactical map detailing the positions of his men had been pinned onto one wall, and the blueprints that were now rolled out onto the table were of the shrine itself.

He heard the heavy footsteps approach the doorway, and stood straight, furrowing his officers cap onto his head a little tighter, taking a deep breath to steel himself. Still only a soldier like yourself. Just give him the information, the objective details, and send him on his way. James turned on his heel to face the Astartes, or rather, the Astartes's midsection. He fought reflexes that screamed for him to take several long steps backwards, and craned his head backwards until he could see the helmet of the massive warrior. Just give him the information. The words bounced around his head for a moment.

“Right.” He wheeled again, draping a finger onto the blueprints before him.

“This is the main entrance. They have it barricaded, of course, but my men will burn it down with fire from lascannons positioned well behind you, and fire a couple rockets inside to clear any immediate defenders.” He moved his hand to a second chart, detailing the second and third levels.

“There are two major relics that must be recovered. The tomb of St. Apocle is on the second floor, in the central chamber. The second relic is his sword, located in exactly the same spot, one floor higher.”

He turned again to the Marine. “Get those out, and get out. Don't worry about killing them all, we have the entire plaza surrounded, and as soon as you are a reasonable distance away, the building will be shelled to the ground. The heretics and the taint they will have caused will be burnt together.”

Captain Hedran waited a moment, wondering what the Astartes's voice was like, but he didn't respond, merely nodding and turning back to the door, mechanically drawing the bolt back on his massive firearm, before accelerating into a run, a wide arc around the command center, making an impressive speed towards the gates of the shrine. The PDF officer could hear his aide giving orders into the vox, directing the fire of the teams outside.

“Fire teams four, five, eight, and nine, fire into the gate, bring it down.”

Four brilliant beams screamed through the air, striking the barricaded doors on their hinges, leaving smoking holes. A second volley, a third, and the gate still stood.

“But... They fell last time! They must have-” Before the words were all the way out of the commanders mouth, he saw the Astartes seem to fly up to the gate, he was moving so fast. Striking it, full on, with a sound he could hear clearly, even so far back as he was. To his amazement, the gate buckled to the power of the ceramite-clad superhuman. An echo, and silence. James leaned backwards against the tactical map, pulling his cap off and run his fingers through his hair, calming his nerves somewhat. Now to wait, and see if the Astartes lives up to the legends.

+ + +

Jophis Hedric winced slightly as he nicked himself on the curved blade he was using to strip the flesh off of the decapitated head of one of the citizens unfortunate enough to have been in St. Apocles when it was taken over. The 19-year-old cultist had grown bored with the life of a city boy, probably doomed to end up as a Guardsman to die on some damned rock he wouldn't be able to pronounce, and decided that Khorne was the way to go instead. There were nearly a hundred other cultists in the building, and they were working on one of two things: fortifying it, or making offerings to the Blood God. Jophis was one of the youngest there, and had gotten frustratingly little pleasure out of cutting down civilians. More senior heretics had set traps for the Arbites that had invaded the premises more than once; Jophis yearned to take them on in actual combat, and that's what landed him with the duty of stripping down the skulls of the dead.

They had decided to put their main area of worship into the central room on the third story, and it was starting to look very satisfyingly as though it could have been on a Chaos world, from all appearances. Jophis and more than a dozen others had spent the last two days painting the walls with blood, making a throne in the center of the room with stones pried from the walls, and stacking bloody skulls around it. It was starting to become a mighty pile, with several hundred of them. The Chaosphere had been burnt onto each of the four walls, about two meters in diameter each, a skull at each of their 8 points.

Jophis slowly stood, having stripped the skin and flesh from the head, not bothering to do so with the jaw, which he gripped in one blood-covered hand and ripped from the skull, tossing it aside. Walking towards the throne in the center of the room, he shook the skull up and down vigorously until the brain popped from its casing, hitting the floor with a splattering sound. He set the skull gently at the top, bowing and muttering the phrases he had been taught by one of the elder cultists.

Almost the instant he had finished the words, he heard a series of sharp cracks, followed by a slam that didn't quite sound like an explosion, but might have been. More of those damned corpse-loving enforcers. Jophis picked up another head from a pile where another cultist was busily sawing heads from their bodies, and started slicing away, nursing his cut finger occasionally. He heard the different traps go off, smiling as he remembered seeing the results of each on previous raids. There's the block-dropper... There's the head-snatcher... Now that's odd, doesn't it normally...? Jophis looked up from his bloody work, tilting his head. Autoguns? The cultists had always stayed out of the way and let the traps deal with intruders, but Jophis could hear small arms fire... And something much bigger. What the frag is that, a bloody grenade launcher?! He stood up, the head falling from his hands as he plucked his own autogun from the wall, seeing a dozen other cultists around the room exchange confused glances and doing the same.

He could hear panicked shouts from outside the room, now. One of the other heretics, bearing a shotgun and a cocky grin, streaked towards the door nearest the noises, and was about to pull it open with it was struck with a resounding bang, the hinges shrieking and failing, the massive metal door crushing the heretic, tumbling on end before falling against the throne and skulls, smashing them both. Jophis gaped, seeing a god-like figure ten feet tall step into the room, a stone sarcophagus atop one massive shoulder, a bolter held in his other hand. The other heretics were all shouting, but Jophis could barely hear it, it felt like. It was a Space Marine. A superhuman, an armored giant. A tank of flesh and bone. It was taking fire from at least two dozen heretics, with shotguns, autoguns, even lasguns, and didn't seem to even notice. The bolter roared, and a cultist to Jophis's left no longer had a torso, finally jolting him to his senses. He bolted, his autogun clattering to the floor, running to the opposite door as he heard the death-cry of a half-dozen of his comrades, many of whom were fleeing as Jophis was. As he got through the door, he spared a glance behind him, and saw the Marine kicking rubble from the center of the room, sweeping aside half a ton of rock and steel with one arm, reaching for something underneath it all, but Jophis was gone before he could see what.

The cultist was one among more than a dozen fleeing down the hallways, jostling back and forth against the walls to get distance between them and the servant of the False Emperor. Jophis heard a door burst open somewhere behind him, but it was more distant now. He was still running, dodging through side corridors, through empty rooms, finally stopping in a room with, ironically enough, a life-size stone statue of an all-too-familiar looking Astartes. Breathing in short, gasping breaths, he tried to listen to what was going on elsewhere in the building. The other cultists had taken different routes, and he was alone except for a pair of corpses, light shining on them from a shattered window. Gods, I can hear his footsteps... He shivered, sliding to a fetal position with his back against the wall, shivering uncontrollably, wincing every time the bolter fired, the sound muffled somewhat by the walls and spaces between him and it. Jophis shook his head violently, trying to get a hold of his senses, listening. It's on the floor below, he realized, a small glimmer of hope welling up inside him.

He worked up the courage to stand again, quavery on his feet. If the Astartes was downstairs, it was probably on its way out of the building, having accomplished whatever its goal was. The footsteps were fading, and the roar of the bolter was more distant now. He could hear nothing of his fellow cultists. Are they all dead? Am I the only one left? He paled at the thought. He wasn't going back. Wasn't going to see the bodies. Jophis eyed the ones on the floor in front of him, and the window. If the Space Marine had completed whatever goal it had set out to achieve, then there was nothing separating the temple to the corpse Emperor from the rubble surrounding it.

As if to confirm his fears, there was a distant thunder, a fast-approaching shriek, and a blast on the roof, two floors above, followed by another, and another. Jophis was thrown from his feet as a shell struck the wall of the building not far away, he could hear stone crumbling. He had to get out. He crawled forward, lifting one of the corpses from the floor in front of him, forcing himself to his feet, and sprinted to the window, leaping out of his, clutching the dead man tightly to his chest. Three stories, and down to the ground with half a foot of flesh and bone to pad him. He bitterly closed his eyes and awaited the impact.

+ + +

Hedran could barely believe his eyes when he saw the Astartes stride out of the gate, the stone sarcophagus containing the remains of St. Apocle over one shoulder, and Foesmite, the legend's sword gripped with the bolter in one massive hand. It had been barely more than an hour since the godlike warrior had entered the shrine, and there he was. His aide reacted faster than he did, ordering the artillery to immediately begin bombardment of the temple, lest any heretics try to escape, lest their taint spread. The captain sat heavily on a chair, watching the shells rain destruction on the building, watching it slowly crumble, corpses and men still living flung from its windows by the blasts. If they survived the fall, they would be mopped up by his men, James was sure that the Arbites would leave the dirty work up to the PDF forces, like always.

The Astartes set the sarcophagus down in the center of the command center floor, resting the sword on top of it. James was about to say something, a praise, a remark as to the Space Marine's demonstrated skill, but the warrior turned around and strode back outside, leaving the commander standing, still somewhat awed, the words still stuck in his throat. It was less than a minute before a Chimera arrived, taking the Space Marine out of Hedran's life, and he knew he would likely not see another.

+ + +

Commander Darren Tredfeld continued to serve the Adeptus Arbites for another 13 years. He was removed at that time for questioning by the Inquisiton, and was replaced by another official. He did not return to any form of service in the Adeptus Arbites.

Quinn Carnn continued to serve as a transport driver for an additional 8 years. Afterwards, he was deemed unfit to continue to serve as such due to his age, and was transferred to a desk job that handled low level management of the vehicles. He spent his spare time acquiring parts and equipment to repair his beloved Rhino, the Fire Magnet. He died at the age of 86.

Captain James Hedran served in the PDF for the rest of his life, his career ending 14 years later as a Colonel, when he was shot in the head by a sniper during a parade. His assassin was never found.

Jophis Hedric fell three stories from the shrine, suffered 9 broken ribs, and waited for five days without food and water in the rubble, waiting for his chance to escape the PDF patrols that scoured it. He was the only surviving cultist among those that invaded the temple. He later served as an assassin, killing prime targets among the loyalists on Vedan IV, including Colonel James Hedran.

The Adeptus Astartes warrior returned to his chapter, his ship, as planned. He spent the next several hundred years in a campaign against the Orks. He became a sergeant shortly before his death, having been struck by an Earthshaker shell from a looted Ork vehicle.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:32 pm
Drum roll please!

1st: Jason Kharo
2nd: DarkElf27
3rd: clairvaux_chris  

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