I'm curious - what kind of wildlife exists where you live, if any?
I live in central California, so we see our fair share of wildlife...in fact more than we did while living in Tahoe.
Around here we have a ton of deer, some of which actually come into our neighborhood.
We also have bobcats and mountain lions, although I've only ever seen bobcats so far (thankfully, as mountain lions scare me so bad.)
Supposedly we also have black bears a bit further out, but I've never heard of anyone seeing them.
And of course, California being mostly desert, we have lizards and rattlesnakes (about a month ago my mom and I found one trying to make a home near our studio.)
Best of all, we have foxes. ^_^ I've seen a lot of foxes around here - it amazes me that they actually appear in the neighborhood on occasion, considering how shy they are.