Simple, you will be drawing Keyblades. A Keyblade is a fantasy weapon in the Kingdom Hearts video game series.

A Keyblade is in the basic shape of a Skeleton Key. Here is how a Keyblade looks like so you get the picture. This is how a Keyblade would be held for additional assistance. [X] [Y] [Z] Note, there has been one Keyblade made off the Modern Key, I would still like you to stick with the traditional Skeleton-Key Keyblade. Here are some examples of more Keyblades from the Kingdom Hearts game [x]

----Terms of This Trade----

By taking this trade you are proactively agreeing to relinquish any and all rights to said artwork

You will be going first, I second

You will also state you agree to all three terms by saying so with your first post


If for any reason you fine the terms of this trade unfair, feel free not to tell me. You do not have to take this trade, nor am I forcing your hand into this trade. If you want in, say so. If you do not like these terms, then there is no trade. So do not bother me about my terms.

I will simply give you a theme for a Keyblade, you draw the Keyblade with that theme.


Must be colored

Only the Keyblade is to be drawn

Must be made in in Skeleton Key form, not Modern Key form

Must have a Key Chain

Must have double guard for hand/handle

If you want to add in your signature, it must be placed in an area where it can be readily removed/edited out without damaging the artwork in question


Current Themes I am looking to have done. (Will have more, I just want to see how many people I can get first)

- Brotherhood of steal Themed Keyblade - C/O - None

- Nuka-Cola Themed Keyblade - C/O - None

- Ash Ketchum Themed Keyblade - C/O - None

Post an offer of an amount you will do this for, include which theme(s) that offer applies to. Note, do not forget the last Term of this trade. Also, I am not sure if this counts as a mini shop.