The door opens before you, revealing a large loft apartment. The environment seems warm, but the atmosphere is tense. As you enter you begin to notice a myriad of unusual characters. In the corner, a dark vampire hunter hunches over what appears to be a bar counter, a little vampiric girl hiding shyly beside him. Across the room, in front of a large flat television, a cloaked man converses with a large four armed creature. Everywhere, people lounge in various states of rest and disrest. A somber young man can be seen cleaning the silencers of two pistols before him, another tosses a ball against the wall, and yet another leans dangerously far over a balcony railing outside the building. One of the characters inside begins to head your way, ducking under some sort of throwing knife tossed carelessly aside, then struggling with a very large black bird that seemed to be trying to land on his shoulder, and finally hopping over a smattering of machine parts to greet you at the door.

"Oh, hey there!" he says, "Come on in! Sorry, the place is a bit of a mess. I'm Kelly! Believe it or not, everyone in here is, in some way or another, a part of me... It's not as awkward as it sounds, I promise. Uhm... Be careful what you touch, or who you bump into, some of the stuff in here is dangerous... Otherwise, make yourself at home!"