
In order to post a request here, you need to fill label the topic as Seeking {insert name/type/title}, Role Play Subject, Role Play Type {Seeking a Prince Zuko, Avatar, 1x1} out this form in your topic:

SEEKING A {Insert Name/Type/Title}
Username: {your username}
Character Needed: {name of, type of, or summary of character}
Role Play Type: {romance, Harry Potter, etc.}
Role Play Location:{link to Rp}
Closing Thoughts: {anything you wish to add}

[size=16]SEEKING A {Insert Name/Type/Title}[/size]
[b]Username:[/b] {your username}
[b]Character Needed:[/b] {name of, type of, or summary of character}
[b]Role Play Type:[/b] {romance, Harry Potter, etc.}
[b]Role Play Location:[/b]{link to Rp}
[b]Closing Thoughts:[/b] {anything you wish to add}


You may only bump your topic if their has not been a reply in three days. You may do so every three days for three weeks. After that please delete the topic and try again later.