I had an idea as i was sitting here watching Hellraisers...what if there was a world...or if it happened to our would...where all the creatures from horror movies became real.

an example: This year, Halloween fell on a Friday....the 13th if memories sever me right. I was invited to a Halloween party in my home town of Springwood, Ohio, it was my best friend's party. Her daddy had been a cop, but had vanished after while in the middle of a case and was never heard from, so every year she has a party to get her mind off of the fact it is the anniversary of his disappearance. I pulled up at the house, 1424 Elm Street, and walked up to the house. It was a creepy house, well..in fact it was a mansion. Rumor had it that it was built by some rich guy who invented a online game called " Hellworld", after he abandoned the house my friends parents bought it. About six months later is when her dad vanished.
I was dressed as a gorilla, no overly scary I know, but I was here for Amy, not the party. And the party was going well, until......"

Let my know if anyone would be interested.