Long ago, before the rise of man, breast roamed the earth and filled the skies. They lived where they pleased, and faced but a few that could harm them. As men came forth, the great beasts argued and fought among themselves. Some said man should be killed before they had a chance to kill, while the others said that they should be given a chance to prove themselves. The mighty beasts at last fought in a war among themselves, in which many perished. After a hundred years, the two sides managed to come to peace, so to preserve their race. But neither side changed their views on the Humans.
Out of the ones that fought FOR the Humans, only eight remained, and joined together to form The Counsel. The Counsel stands to protect the Humans, as well teach them in all matters, and if needs be, passes judgment.
While the others, The Divine, vowed to undermind The Counsel and enslave mankind. They work to get the people to turn against one another, with the help of the people in power. For the Divine managed to find a few Humans that vowed to sever them, in return for the Divine would place them in seats of power: Kings,Jarls, and so forth.
The Counsel live in what was once Alalon, the resting place of King Arthur and Knight of the Round Table. While the Divine live in a crippling Rome. To the rest of the world, these beast have many names. From Dova, to Draco, but most commonly known as: Dragons.

While the Dragons try to deal with the Humans in their own way, the old enemies of the Dova's plan on how to rid the world of the remaining Dracos. In a never before heard of ploy, the Vampires and Werewolves teamed up to sly the dragons.

Dive into this world full of mythical creatures, and magical action. Have fun!