Alright, I have been working on my Chaos Space Marine army and I had thought up a story for them, I was wondering what would people think if I made it into a fanfic series.

The story will be following a young former Blood Angels Librarian named Cyrus. He once was completely loyal to the chapter and his twin brother (who was a captain). While taking part in various missions, Cyrus began to notice the devastation, death, poverty, and fear in the very people they swore to protect. It was enough for him to question his loyalties and began to wonder why the Imperium was hardly doing anything to take care of their own people. While searching for answers, he came to the conclusion that it was all because of the High Lords of Terra. He started to believe that they were corrupt and that what they were doing was for their own gain instead of the Emperor's, which in turn cause the people to suffer.

Tzeentch took notice of this and begins saying things to Cyrus that he could change the Imperium for the better of mankind, to make it prosper and give the people a better life without the rule of the High Lords' iron fist. Cyrus believed in this and swore his loyalty to Tzeentch, believing he could help him make this dream a reality.

The fanfic series would follow Cyrus as he creates own warband and begins his mission of "Changing the Imperium".

Here is the list of characters

Cyrus: Sorceror and leader of "The Legion of Change". He believes that the Imperium is corrupt and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal of changing it.

Nax: Aspiring Champion of the Chaos Raptors. He is the psycopath of the group who has an obsession for killing, for he wanted knowledge of the best ways to kill an enemy, so Tzeentch granted him that gift, which in turn caused him to go mad. If one were to ask him why he didn't choose Khorne, he would say because of their low life expectancy. If he was asked about Slaanesh, he would say that the Daemonettes creeped him out.

Cronus: Aspiring Champion of the Havocs. Cronus is a rather quiet individual, who only says something that is important. He is also the only one (besides Cyrus) who can tolerate the presence of Nax. No one knows as to why he swore loyalty to Tzeentch, except for Cyrus himself.

Rameses: The Aspiring Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons. He also acts as Cyrus's advisor. Rameses is the only one Cyrus fully trusts, he also has a great dislike for Romulus and Nax, which he doesn't bother trying to hide.

Nero: The Aspiring Champion of the Bikers. He is the youngest of the champions and the most rebellious. Many wonder if his loyalty really does lie with the legion or if he is planning something against the Sorcerer.

Anton; The Aspiring Champion of the Chaos Marines.He is extremely loyal to Tzeentch and would continue to serve Cyrus if that is what the Changer of Ways wanted.

Romulus: The Commander of the Traitor Guardsmen who are known as the "Guardsmen of Change". He is known for having great pride in his men and would not hesitate to stand up for them, even against a space marine, which happens very often with the arguments between him and Rameses.