Ever have a weird almost-affection for someone? Like, you don't know if you like them more than a friend or if it's just hormones and loneliness projecting onto the nearest attractive candidate? Yeah, I kinda have that problem right now. So let's get the basics down.

I have never seriously been in a relationship with another woman, ever.
Why? Because the "bisexual" women are too busy chasing after guys and the lesbians were people I'd rather be friends with. Plus, girls are total drama queens, I know because I am one.

I rarely have romantic feelings for women, when it comes to my sexual preferences and my romantic preferences, women are usually strictly my sexual preference. I like to think of myself as bisexual, but not biromantic. Though, there are sometimes where I have an affectionate feeling for another woman, but those feelings come once a blue moon.

I am currently dating someone, although I am polyamrous.
However, I do not know if the person I have a feeling for (besides the person I'm dating, who've I've been dating for three years officially and six unofficially) is okay with the thought of me dating another person as well as her, and perhaps dating one more person. I have a strong want to have two men in my life at the same time romantically, and also perhaps a girlfriend as well. The fact that the chick I have a feeling for is more than likely strictly lesbian kinda makes me nervous about this whole polyamory thing, also, I don't know if she's cool with me being with multiple people romantically at the same time.

I am greedy in bed.
I find myself more of a receiver of sexual favors than a giver of them. Plus, in bedroom situations, I am the most boring sexual partner ever thanks to lack of sexual confidence in bed. I know plenty of tricks, but using them? Nah, too shy and unsure of my partner's reaction to go all out.

I already know she more than likely has a feeler for me, due to the fact I have awesome woo-ing skills, so I don't need to worry about that part. However, the other s**t... Yeah. Any advice, chickkas?