A mesh of twisted flesh, Candy colored fruit,
Son of a Nun, singing about Love,
A secret in my letters,
Love is Equal to hate,
depending on who wants,
not needs,
Mother nature,
who's late for so many,
cherry candles lit,
in a snow of lanturns,
Let's not be the clueless,
be careful,
balloons break.
Shake away the snow off my shoulders,
but yours is frozen,
looking at them like that,
those blossums,
lost their cherry,
before it bloomed,
try a strawberry,
cover it in,
show it to the blossum,
watch her as she falls,
those petals gone,
that's what you seen,
that's all it shows.
Lick the dust,
off her eyes,
never close,
but eventually die,
take em' way,
back far into,
so exposed.