--Character Biography--
Full name of Character: Edward Joseph Kirkland
Nickname: -None at this time-
Text Colour: Bold Slate Grey
Birthdate: 10th October, 1997
Gender: Male
Bloodtype: O-
Occupation: Student
Theme Song: A Cruel Angel's Thesis.
Tamer Points: 22,74oTP -Updated 15/10/12 7:55pm-
= Physical Appearance =
Age: 15
Eye Color: Grey / Blue
Hair color length and style: Mid-length, brown and sweeps to the left at the front.
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Drinks: Prefers cream soda, Tea, Earl Grey Tea
Greatest Strength: Mentally sound, understanding
Greatest Weakness: Short temper, hesistant
Biggest Vulnerability: Hesitant, apathetic nature
Home Area: Unknown
Type of childhood: Well brought up, adequitely wealthy family
Religion: None
Optimist or pessimist?: Optimist
Good characteristics: Accepting, cherishing and outgoing
Character flaws: Short temper, fear of the unknown
Favorite clothing: Red and black clothing. Jackets and long trousers, formal wear -Suits-
Jewelry: Broken pocket time piece
Other accessories: Fingerless gloves
Spending habits: Video Games, trading cards and books
Most prized possession: Pocket watch. Gifted to him by a lost friend
People they secretly admire: -None at this time-