User ImageNAME: Stexal Optera
Stexal --- name play with the name Stella, which means "Star" in Latin and in other languages, with her symbol, "x"
Optera --- Chiroptera is the order of mammals in which bats fall into.

BLOOD COLOUR: Green/Olive Blood #78A300█████

GENDER: female

x, in mathematics, is used as an independent variable or unknown value.

Stexal Optera is a female, olive blooded troll who is situated quite comfortably on the high end of the lowbloods, a fact in which she does not mind at all. With an independent nature and a reckless demeanor, she is definitely a force to be reckoned with, yet a force that seems to be concealed and withdrawn.

Upon first impression, Stexal will come across as either two options: one, a really creepy girl with a s**t-eating grin trying to sell handmade jewelry; or two, a capricious troll with a fowl mouth, threatening to break legs with her bat. Those who bother to stick around for longer than they really should (whether out of curiosity, amusement, or masochist desires) will be disappointed to find that she has already fled the scene without a trace, never revealing where she is heading next or her name. This does not mean, however, that Stexal is incapable of performing her vicious threats if she truly feels the need to, such as if a really persistent troll were to somehow follow her tracks and pester her relentlessly (why they would is the real thing wrong here). Beating the colour out of a troll (unless they are of royal or subjugg coloured blood) is a task Stexal neither takes pleasure in nor does she refuse to do, so it Is in most trolls’ interest to just leave her be.

There is a rare chance, however, that she may take an interest in another troll. Her inquisitive nature does not restrict to the inanimate, and therefore occasionally a breathing life form will catch her fancy. If so, it’s usually just a slight difference in the way she reacts to them. Her smile is more bright and interested, and she appears more alert with what they say and do, more excited, more genuine. Maybe quite a bit more unsettling and creepy, but sincere. This doesn’t really mean much, though, for she’ll probably just disregard this interest later, because she has much more significant duties to attend to than making friends with a particularly noteworthy individual. She has gemstones to collect, jewelry to make, a business to run!

Speaking of… business. Jewelry? Gemstones? Stexal's cave, where her hive is located, is littered with smaller caves hidden deeper within the mountain where multi-coloured gemstone formations have sprung up, much to her wealth-hungry lusus' content. Though it is much too dangerous for the troll girl to be digging around deep within the mountain side (perhaps the one time her lusus decides to be a protective guardian and says no, though Stex has done so once or twice out of curiosity). Instead, Stexal pans around in the brook down below on the cave floor, sporting a nifty hat with a light (as she cannot see) searching for anything that sparkles. Not particularly sure why certain trolls like the s**t, she just does it because of a very specific reason: her lusus says so. Get rich, she screeches. The high-bloods will be pleased, she screeches. Stexal simply rolls her eyes and grudgingly performs the job, despite she disagrees. She has a particular talent with metal wires, weaving them into intricate bracelets, anklets, earrings, and other types of jewelry, using the gemstones within them. Stexal has a love-hate for this hobby. When she was younger, she found it fun to design and create with wires, and when she noticed the gemstones that glittered in the brook and underground lake of her cavern, she grew excited to incorporate them into her creations. Batmom, Stexal’s lusus, noticed this and took liberty to convincing her to turn these creations into something more desirable to make beetles off of other trolls to fix a few repairs around the hive. Since then, it has become Beetle-making, tedious work. And Stexal resents her lusus for it.

The Hemospectrum plays a large part in Stexal's business life, though rarely does she care for another troll’s blood colour. When it comes to selling her pretty mediocre jewelry, she does attempt to at least be on good terms with those of a higher blood status, especially the more feminine of them, to make a few beetles. Less of course, this is only through gritted teeth and a bit of reluctance. She has a disliking for some of their lifestyles and overall attitude, but all at once knows that there really isn't much she can do about it. Subjugglators give her the creeps, as do most water dwelling trolls. Purplebloods tend to be the most volatile, and any royal sea dweller usually turns out to be a pain in the a** to deal with. Her opinion on how Alternia is ruled is basically neutral; the queen is probably the only part of the blood caste system Stexal really agrees with, as she is the only one with that hue. This may be due to Stexal's own blood status, which is associated with the middle class, teetering on either side of the Hemospectrum. She does, however, believe that, with everything else, blood colour is a stupid way to determine one's status and overall fate. It’s really stupid, actually. Stexal finds a lot of things to be stupid.

Keeping herself busy with lots of hobbies

While she may appear to be rough around the edges and dislikes the extended company of others, Stexal is exceptionally lonely. The toothy grin she displays while in the presence of other trolls only masks the true loneliness she feels relentlessly, due to her yearning for solitude, which in itself is utterly contradictory. Stexal has trouble opening up about her emotional side, making her feelings and true emotions complicated, especially when concerning other trolls.

Raising yourself for the majority of your childhood (and continuing to do so) because your lusus was too busy governing her own life does wonders to how you make your own decisions, and this is no exception when it comes to Stexal's never failing independence. Everything she does is generally accomplished with her own capable hands, thoughts, and feelings. Rarely does she consult her lusus for assistance, and in those rare situations where she does require help, she requests it in adverseness. She has complete confidence in her own abilities, and if she somehow can't accomplish something, she will manage it in her own way and figure it out. Hunting and gathering food is no problem; she's decent with setting up traps with her wires and knocking out whatever she caught with her trusty weapon. Her lusus once in a while will randomly bring home something, which gets minimal thanks.
Stexal has a knack for inventing and searching for unique, unconventional paths of discovery. Her thought process is a bit eccentric, but Stexal has always been a clever and ingenious troll, thinking on her feet and well beyond her years. The majority of her hive's design was created by her when she was a wiggler, directed by the
creepy curious



Stexal is clear as mud. Explaining herself and her actions would send any troll straight into a befuddlement-induced headache, not that they didn't have one to begin with. Speaking in riddles, long rambles that go on and off topic, or perhaps not even speaking at all, a creepy grin replacing what could be a promise of breaking some bones. Who knows. Sometimes, Stexal doesn't even reveal her name, much less her intentions (contradiction to the above, yes.).
It is in her best interest to keep herself separated from most social or emotional situations. When she truly does not give one grub about something, apathy is her best defense. She is ridiculously apathetic to other troll's problems, and believes that if it doesn't deal with or effect her, then it certainly does not serve her interest. This goes especially toward anything involving the quadrants, as Stexal finds them completely perplexing and cannot imagine anyone wanting to go through such an emotional crisis without wanting to throw themselves off a cliff. So please. Why on Alternia would she want to listen to any trolls' mundane issues about their dear matesprite or kismesis, or moirail, or whatever. It's just not a good idea, frankly. And this makes her a really terrible friend, at least when it comes to the heavy situations.


WEAPON: bat.
do you see what i did there with about 45 feet of thin wire wrapped around the handle.


hair and horns Black and cut pretty short, Stex's hair is pretty straight and tamed, aside from the one chunk of bang across her forehead that curls and the one flipped out side. Her hair is a bit shorter in the back, and sticks straight up. Her horns are relatively small compared to most trolls her age, and not particularly special. Straight and narrow, they point upward with a slight shift inward, taking the appearance of a stereotypical bat's ears. The only thing that would make them the least bit frightening would be their sharp points.

body type
>>height 5'6"
>>weight 122 pounds
Stexal stands at a pretty average five feet and six inches and weighing a hundred and twenty-two pounds, which is also average for her height. She's slim and can easily maneuver herself around quite quickly, but she is no string bean to be snapped in half. For working pretty hard deep within the caverns around her home, she's built up enough strength since she was a wiggler to hold herself up well in a fight and take a good swing of her bat, or a swing of her fist if she has to. Her lusus occasionally brings home enough food to keep the hiemal ambry full for a few weeks. Left-overs aren't her favourite, but if it means that or sopor slime, Stex doesn't complain.

clothing style Standard black and grey are generally what Stexal will wear on a regular basis, incorporating her blood colour, a light shade of olive green, in. She often wears a grubball t that displays her symbol on her chest, with the sleeves rolled up, and her usual black jacket, silver buttons lining the left side with convenient pockets for her hands; it gets quite cold in her cave and in the mountains. She always wears dark grey jeans, and is never seen without her green shoes. Stexal does wear boots, though, especially when dealing with cold temperatures.

facial features


HOME: Cave / Busthind Mountain.
Stexal and her lusus situated their hive deep within a cavern, just outside of Busthind Mountain. The entrance to the cave is about thirty feet tall and forty feet wide, leading down an eerie walkway inside, a brook streaming beside the rocky path. The farther in, the darker it becomes. No matter, for small glass jars containing small, glowing blue bugs light the path to the opening of a very, very spacious, cold, and damp cave room.

The actual hive is built around a huge stalactite hanging from the large cavern's ceiling, the walls and structure are modern and black, with windows glowing a light blue. Beneath is a shallow underground lake, the source of the small brook, where small fish and amphibious cave creatures thrive. A small waterfall across the cavern provides a steady flow of water. On one side of the stalactite is a dock connected to her hive, where Stexal will once in a while fish. On the other side is a pulley system set up on the rocky cave floor and the ceiling, which is the only known way to reach the platforms of her hive above.

Her hive connects to the very top of the ceiling of the cave that has an entrance to a series of connected smaller caves and passages that lead outside, where an observation deck clinging to the side of the mountain is present. A measly telescope stands at the deck edge.


LUSUS: Batmom is a bat-like creature that is about four feet when crawling on all fours, and has a wing-span of twenty-two feet. Her fur, claws, and webbed wings are white and light grey, just like every single other lusus, and her blood colour is identical to her troll's, which is olive green. She has identical teeth to Stexal and possesses double eyes.

Stexal's lusus is... not necessarily a bad lusus. When providing for her young troll, Batmom takes very good care of her, providing the essentials for survival and training Stexal to be the strong troll that she is now-- perhaps not in the best way possible, but definitely indirectly. Her intentions were to make Stexal sturdy and self sufficient; she wouldn't be around forever, and definitely did not plan on leaving with her off of Alternia when the time came. Batmom's choice in how to raise Stexal is purely for her own good if what she really wants is to get off this planet and survive in the Alterian Army (which she hopes her young troll receives some kind of position in). It also may deal with their time differences, as she is a lusus that thrives mostly in the Alterian sunlight, particularly early morning. She sleeps inside some of the many caves inside their shared cavern during the night while Stexal is awake.

Both troll and lusus share a rocky relationship with each other, simultaneously co-existing, . While Batmom believes Stexal to be ungrateful and egotistical, Stexal finds her lusus to be a nuisance and greedy. Both are never satisfied with each other.



VOICE: [x]
Stexal's voice is slightly nasally with a small lisp and accent, sounding naturally aggressive. She speaks quickly and frequently begins her sentences with a monotonous tone, then raises her voice with a melodramatic flair at the end or in between when making a point. Though, in general, her voice is dramatic. And obnoxious.

ANCESTOR: The Aeronaut

Triumph - nervous_testpilot (Frozen Synapse OST)
Blackout City - Anamanaguchi
Uprising Muse, cover by Vitamin String Quartet
The Truth Audiomachine