Name: Keires Akhlys
Keres - female death spirits (Greek)
Akhlys - mist of death (Greek)

Blood colour: Cerulean ( Lapis Lazuli)

Gender: Female

Symbol: User ImageSigil of Stygal, Death Bringer


Keires is your typical Alternian royalty-worshiping, military-loving, hemospectrum-enforcing troll. That’s normal, right?

Growing up in the mountains with a Lusus bent on making her the perfect little soldier, Keires is a hardened, no-nonsense troll determined to join the Alternian Army. Attempting to joke with her will get you either a look of contempt or will be taken for granted, depending on the blood color. Even light hearted challenge will typically result in a full on fight. Raised as a warrior, she is well versed in many forms of weapons and combat and will do what ever necessary to win.

Being raised in your own personal boot camp has its disadvantages. Showing emotions that were considered weak was not acceptable and was discouraged through repercussions. Now Keires would rather die than show weakness. Sheis self sufficient, hunting and gathering food for herself and her lusus deemed her capable after many lessons.

The hemospectrum was put in place for a reason and Keires will never question it. She knows her place and will remind others of theirs if they dare step out of line. While she does have little care for low bloods, she somewhat respects those who know their place and will treat them accordingly. That being said, even a low blood can find a friend in Keires if they meet her standards. Follow the rules clearly set by the Queen and she will be your friend for life. Though friend might not be the proper word, more like ally. She is loyal to those she trusts and will do anything for them.

May or may not have dabbled in FLARPing. Still considering.

+ Headstrong: Half-assing things is not Keires style. If she decides to do something she will see it through to the end, even if it kills her trying.
+ Resourceful:
+ Well-Rounded Fighter:

Flaws: .
+Fearless: She has little fear of anything including death. Or, at least likes to think this. Not taking heed to those little red signs in her head has gotten her in more trouble and pain than she can account for. Eventually this will lead her to facing her own mortality one day, which will either make or break her.
+Arrogant - Pride before the fall, as they say. Having such high respects for herself and the hemospectrum is sure to put off many trolls.
+ Closed-Minded - Things are set in stone for a reason and change is not acceptable to Keires, unless it comes from the Queen.

Weapon: Scythe

Appearance: Boots, military pants, short jacket, short sleeved shirt, long hair. Picture to go here later.

Home: Busthind Mountain, mountain

Lusus: A 7 foot mantis-like creature under a sheet. Well, a bunch of sheets. As a grub, Keires was quite terrified of her Lusus. Knowing that it had to first gain the trust of the little grub before training her into a hardened killing machine the Lusus tried different ways of appearing and approaching young Keires. Eventually the old behind the sheet thing worked, Keires had no idea it was the big scary monster mantis! Eventually Keires grew and realized exactly who was under the sheet and just how silly it all was, but MantisMom would not take it off. It was a reminder of the cute little grub she had turned into a soldier.

Power: None