so, well, we have had fine series with witches, wizards, magicians, dragons, elves, dwarves, vampires, and the dead and undead.

but these inspirations may have run their course; it feels as though it is time for something fresh and new.

but what?

please do share your inspirations.

here are some of mine:

"Shakespeare Mania"; characters created by the bard are somehow able to inhabit the bodies lives and minds of modern day people. what will they do? will there be duels, love affairs, comedy...and drama?

"Relife", many of us have regrets about earlier choices we have made; here people go back in time and confront their childhood selves; can they convince them to avoid the disasters and choose the opportunities they should have? how will the person come across to her childish self?

"Hi, Did You Myth Me?" people choose to act out the parts of old mythic characters. remember, some are dishonest or lethal. i like the Native American "Coyote", both wise and tricky.

"SubSuper", people develop powers but there are more limited than super. they have to figure out how to make the most of them anyway. for instance, one can only manipulate paper clips, but uses them to create fingercuffs that incapacitate a bad guy.

"Cookie Monsters", a baker finds she can create living gingerbread men, and then goes on to make dragons and ogres and so on, who are impossible to control. meanwhile the army wants to kidnap her and use her powers.