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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[Battle PRP] [1 v 1] This isn't good [Circe x Ofelia]

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~Kiana_Nala~ rolled 1 6-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-6)


Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:26 pm
Circe made her way through the school aimlessly, her mind still messed up from the Death Trial. "Get yourself together." The ghoul told herself as she walked down a random hallway. "You can't let this get to your head. Jump back like you did the first time." She once more tried to convince herself. She could make it through this. But the question was, why was it so hard? It seemed like the more she tried to bring herself out of it the further she slipped back in. It wasn't like her to get depressed. And it wasn't the first time she had died either!

"Ugh." She said, lightly hitting the sides of her head with both fists a couple times. Circe took in a deep breath then exhaled. After a few moments her mind was once more cleared and she took the chance to look around the hallway. This was not familiar at all. Shrugging Circe decided to try going through one of the doors in the hallway. Maybe she someone inside would have a answer. However, when she went through the door she found herself someplace else. It wasn't Amityville anymore. A spark of horror shot through her. It was the Haunted House from that time a few months ago. Oh Jack why was she here? Was this another hunter ploy? Were they under attack. She shuddered. No, if that was it they would have made the attack as soon as she had appeared her.

Circe took in a deep breath and began walking towards the entrance of the Haunted House. She needed to figure out how to get back home. They had went it and then somehow magically gotten back to the school. So the answer had to be in there. Once she was through the front door she went to the next one and opened it. There had been three doors in total and she had chosen the one on the far left. She quickly turned the knob and went through. Her eyes widened as the door closed behind her. It was a room of DOLLS. DOLLS. While she wasn't afraid of them she was NOT okay with there being and entire room full of them. There was a bright light above as if the ceiling was entirely made out of a skylight. The walls seemed to be made out of a metal that was un-breakable. Should someone hit it, it would probably hurt a lot.

She could only hope that there was an exit close by or that someone else would show up and save her. Maybe she would get lucky and a minipet guide of some kind would show up. Could she really be so lucky?


PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:45 pm
Haunted house, oh how Ofelia loved the haunted house. Maybe it was because she got to see all the freaks that roamed in it and then beat them down, or maybe it was because the different rooms always provided a strange sense of adventure. None the less whenever she felt like getting away from everyone, which was more often than not lately, she would sneak to the portal and go 'patrolling'. That word was always her excuse, a 'patrol'. Rue didn't care to say anything about it, going into the house meant getting her fill of FEAR, so when Ofelia decided she'd had enough of not sleeping and overly moping around the weapon was all for it.

They were both all for it until Ofelia took a weird turn and ended up in a section of the house she'd never been in before. Of course it was ridiculous for her to think she knew all the places to start with, she'd only been in twice, but getting lost was a thing that could lead to life or death. Everyone had gotten separated when Barney and Sandy died. The Sun teen really didn't think she'd die while out in this house but there was always that chance. She shuddered against the thought, blaming the feelings instead on her choice of clothing, and slowly but surely started to pick her way through the different rooms.

Eventually she settled into one full of...well, dolls. Ofelia had never been one for dolls to begin with, she preferred things that could be destroyed again and again like play-doh or her aunt's flower garden, so seeing more than a handful of the creepy objects littering the area prompted a frown. "The hell's this? Ah freakin' hate dolls, they're gross an' creepy."

Her words were loud, strong, and it was obvious she hadn't noticed that someone else might be inside the room as well. Rue's touching at the FEAR nearby, the boo hag's subtle words that she was getting gentle tastes, was ignored. All Ofelia focused on were the dolls, and she grabbed one or two of them in her hands before throwing them at the wall. Take that, childhood!



Friendly Hunter

~Kiana_Nala~ rolled 1 20-sided dice: 12 Total: 12 (1-20)


Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:28 pm
It had taken a whole second for Circe to realize there was someone else in the room with her. Let alone the fact that they were a Hunter. Oh dear jack nabbits what she gotten herself into now? Just a couple days before she had literally died at one of their hands and now she was face to face with another? This was certainly some cruel joke someone was playing on her. Circe immediately edged herself towards the door, realizing that the human hadn't noticed her. Then it hit her. What was she doing? The school had obviously brought her here for a reason. Maybe that reason was to destroy this Hunter. Or maybe the goal was for her to further practice her fighting techniques up against a real opponent and threat.

With a clearing of her voice the ghoul hoped to alert the Hunter to her position and hopefully from there it would be a semi-agreed battle. Though she had a feeling this hunter would try to kill her at all costs. What was she thinking? "Hey." She said simply. Not a trace of anger or annoyance in her voice. "You're a hunter right?" She asked, even though she knew the answer already. And she was positive that if this human was smart she would catch on that she was Reaper. Then again, maybe she could pass as a human. Her asking if the ghoul was a hunter was probably a bad way to start that off. Oh well, nothing she could do now.

Circe took in a quiet deep breath before she opened her mouth again. "I want to test my fighting skills on you." She added, not entirely sure if that was the best way to word it. Again, she knew very little about Hunters and just what all they were capable of. All she knew was from what she had seen at this Haunted House a few months back and also from the nightmare. Well, she had also heard some stuff about them from Roch but that was a second opinion.

Initiative roll C:
Rown rolled 1 20-sided dice: 13 Total: 13 (1-20)
PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:44 am
Ofelia was busy still throwing the dolls around, having general fun acting like a two year old inside a toy store. It wqasn't until Rue mentioned a strong FEAR presence (again) that she even turned her head and came face to face with probably the very first human-like creature she'd seen in the haunted house. The zombie didn't count because he was a zombie but whatever, this one was human and or at least looked and smelled like a human.

Rue said she was made entirely of FEAR and therefore needed to be feasted upon. The knuckledusters kicked at Ofelia in her mind as the teen stood there and stared, her eye taking in the sight of the girl who'd just approached and asked, point blank, if she was a hunter.

"Ah'm not a hunter." That was the truth actually - Ofelia was a trainee and not a hunter at all. She had a while to go yet before she became a full fledged hunter so she didn't feel bad stating that she wasn't really a hunter. "Ah will, however, be more than glad ta kick yer naked a** inta the ground if yer wantin' ta really test yer fightin' ability 'gainst me." Ofelia took a few steps towards the reaper girl before she held her arm out at eye level, a single charm bracelet moving against her skin. Her face spread into a cruel looking smile as her eyes narrowed and her fingers flexed themselves in a sweeping motion. "Rue, come say 'ello ta the girlie. She wants ta play witcha."

The charm bracelet seemed to melt on Ofelia's arm as it slid towards her knuckles, and with a fluid motion the teen touched her hands together and the strange liquid soon covered both of her fists. There was a pop sound, like something exploding or opening, and shortly after the sound faded the sun trainee stood in her position with her weapon out - two bladed knuckledusters just ready to carve into flesh. I will enjoy rending her asunder. Let me taste her FEAR, let me dig deep into her flesh. I want that pretty face screaming beneath my claws.

It looked as though Rue's mood had improved. Fantastic!

would you like me to go ahead and roll or would you like to make a small post first?


Friendly Hunter

Rown rolled 2 8-sided dice: 4, 4 Total: 8 (2-16)


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:34 pm
The other girl wasn't coming towards her, which meant indeed she wasn't a human (no it didn't but Ofelia was stupid) and she flexed her fingers inside of Rue's frame before taking a step to the side. It was a faint one, her flip-flop barely connected with the ground, and she lunged forward.

Her attack barely grazed off the skin of the reaper, but it had been close enough to do damage. From where she stood on the other side, Ofelia smirked and moved her hands into a fighting position again. She raised up her right and lifted two fingers, motioning for this reaper girl to "come at her".

hp 40
damage 4

~Kiana_Nala~ rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2, 5 Total: 7 (2-12)
PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:27 pm
Wait, she wasn't a hunter? She couldn't see any difference between her and a hunter. And, did she just talk to her weapon? Instantly Circe flashed back to the night in Roch's room when he told he had gotten turned into a weapon in his dream. In fact a lot of students had, had that happen to them. Her fists clenched. So that weapon, Rue, was a former Halloweener? And she wanted to play with her? Something seemed wrong with this picture. Why would it want to attack another like it's former self? Circe remembered that Roch had said something about it being related to them eating FEAR or something like that. Circe briefly wondered if the weapon Rue had forgotten her past. Who she had been.

Fortunately or maybe unfortunately she didn't have further time to dwell on the thought as the human lunged for her. She was incredibly fast. Circe didn't have much time to move herself from the attack or block it, however the human girl didn't do much damage. She almost breathed a sigh of relief. Something told her this fight wasn't going to be easy. And her chances of success were dwindling if they were ever there. No. Circe would fight until she couldn't anymore. With a restored confidence Circe herself took to the attack. However, she just tried to punch the ghoul instead of using her needles to try and do the damage.

HP: 26/30
Damage: 2))



Romantic Raider

Rown rolled 2 8-sided dice: 3, 3 Total: 6 (2-16)


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:46 pm
"Oh, so there is some fight in ya - here Ah was worried Ah'd have ta kick ya a few times ta get any response. Good ta know even the human lookin' ones are stupid 'nough ta raise their hands at superior people." Ofelia looked at the small blip on her FEAR shield, the tiny damage that had been dealt by the girl's bare fist. It annoyed her since well, she'd been hoping the human-types would hit harder, and she sighed, placing her hands on her hips. "Okay, Ah'mma give ya a free shot here. Do yer best ta make it count."

I hope you know what you are doing, hick. I cannot eat any of her FEAR, I've been trying, so I can't help you if she starts to kick your a**. Rue's advice was noted, stored, and ignored.

hp 38
damage 0

~Kiana_Nala~ rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4, 2 Total: 6 (2-12)
PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:51 pm
Circe narrowed her black eyes at the human. "Superior?" She asked that rhetorical question. "There is nothing superior about humans. All you care about is yourselves." Circe said, even though she really had no idea. All she knew was that she wasn't going to let some human who knew nothing about her kind but the stories she had been told by people who hated them from what had been passed down from previous generations, bad mouth any Halloweener. Sure not all of them were like her or her friends but that didn't matter. There were probably those few bad pumpkins back in this ghouls realm too.

Then to add insult to injury the human offered to let her take a free hit. "No." Circe shook her head. "There are no free hits here. If you want to fight me then you better fight me." She said as she looked the girl straight in the eyes. Maybe it was a dumb idea to not take the free hit but she didn't care. She wasn't going to fight a hunter who thought that she was less then her. Nope. They were equals who were fighting to see who was better. Once more she thought her chances of winning were slim. But she would do her best. Quickly Circe got back in a fighting pose, her knee's bent and fists up.

HP: 26/30
Damage: 0))


Romantic Raider

Rown rolled 2 8-sided dice: 1, 6 Total: 7 (2-16)


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:01 pm
Hmmm, so she wanted to play at fair and square was it? Ofelia certainly didn't care either way, she was going to pound this creature into the ground being dirty or being clean, so she merely shrugged her shoulders. . . and got an idea. It was a cruel idea, a horrible idea, but when it came to actually fighting these creatures Ofelia let her common sense run out the door and Rue's more sadistic approach take over. "Hey Rue, how 'bout it?"

. . . . . The knuckledusters could sense Ofelia's thoughts, feel her idea, and she cackled. Works for me. Let's carve her up slowly, like an animal, and then you can take her clothing back with you once she's dead. I bet it would make an interesting trophy.

"Sounds good then." Ofelia shrugged her shoulders again and took off with a leap, her fist contact slightly against the side of the girl she was fighting. There was no FEAR shield to protect her opponent, so when Rue's blades scraped skin there was blood. Rich blood, dark blood. Ofelia would enjoy carving her to pieces. "Shoulda taken that free hit, girlie."

hp 38
damage 2

{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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