April is a little girl that wore a blue dress
she had a big imagination and her hair was always
a mess she lived in a mansion in the center of town
her parents were in the business and were never around
her only friends were a little teddy bear she carried with
her everywhere and a little red bird that followed her where she went
early in the mornings the little red bird would sit
on the ege of his bird bath and would whistle a song
toward april's window it never failed every morning that
little red bird was there then one day the bird didn't show
and april was very worried and very sad she was afraid
to loose the very best and very only friend that she had she
complained and she sighed to anyone that was insight mainly
the house maid he'll come around she would say maybe he dosen't
feel good or is busy the next 2 weeks came and went and
the little red bird never did show the weather had changed and was now
getting cold april went to find her little red friend she looked
in the bird bath he wasn't there she looked under a rock he wasn't there she looked high she looked low and the little red bird never did show she was so sad every night she would cry with her teddy bear by her side she cried and cried and sometimes she cried without crying at all she cried so much her tears were nearly gone then one night inbetween her tears there was a bright flash and a loud rour from the sky followed by rain the biggest drops
of rain you could ever imagine it rained for several days and many nights the people in the town were furious as could be we want the rain to stop they would shout and plea but the rain dripped and it dropped and never did stop the weather got warm and april heard a familiar sound she had almost forgot a song just outside her window she looked out her window and through the rain
she saw a little red bird sitting on the bird bath again is it so she wondered are you back she asked the bird sang louder and louder
and for the first time in a long time april smiled she wiped away her tears the rain then stoped and the sun broke through the clouds yippie yahoo the town cheered and clapped and as long as that bird sang his daily song to april there were never anymore april showers because her sadness was gone