Once those blue eyes shined brighter than any star. But, now duller than the knife that failed to cut her skin. No longer would sanity be with her, for she had been hit by the very hand that she loved. The very memory of being hit would forever haunt her, and everywhere she looked she could see the image as if it were happening. She had been happy with him, but was blinded. She came home every night, cleaned, cooked, and gave him all her love. But, that wasn't enough... He was power driven and deranged. One night she leaned in for a kiss, and in an instant she found she had been on the floor. No, this wasn't enough for him... He cracked her ribs, broke her arm, and severely fractured the side of her face. After all was said and done, he didn't even look back and left her to suffer. He had never returned, and she never recovered, but at least she was alive. She had woke up the next morning, and felt lost more than ever. The next few months consisted of cutting, drinking,drugs, and useless rituals. She had been driven to complete insanity, it wouldnt be long until the worst would happen. Days went on, and life was dark without any light at all. She couldn't take any more of life, she climbed onto the roof of her house and hung her self from the gutters. Time passed and no one had any sight of her, the neighbors had finally called the cops. The very next day, the cops showed up at the house and decided to look around. The door had been locked and the door had to be broken down, inside was a disturbing mess. The first cop walked in and was terrified by the sight. There was needles, countless bottles,and disturbing drawings all over the walls. As more cops came in more was found, there were rats,every imaginable bug, and rotten food all over. The cops couldn't find any evidence of a body, so they furthered their search to outside. They entered the yard and saw many holes dug and items that belonged to the girl. They searched and searched, and almost gave up. The chief had headed towards the door, and saw an army of flies... He then looked up with terror. He had seen her with rotting cuts that should have been stitched, sockets without eyes, and a mangled head. They took the body down, and took it to be rightfully buried. After the search they found carvings of her name and her abuser, along with drawings of the scene. Charles had been found and put to jail to rot, and Amanda could now rest in peace... So people thought. To be continued