in my sky..
all i see is my full blown nemesis..
not the fate of man
but an over powered god ,
with so much to say ;
so many foolish demands ..
you demand i pray ,but were will you be ?
when my body and soul being to decay ??

Nemo , i have no name ,
one sheep ..of the blackest mane ..
a Lamb stripped of power ..
im sorry i did nothing
i let it happen ..
i faltered ,
i coward..
remember not the hand
but the shape of the beauty
of life
and the burn of her brand..

the night skies when im without her was never darker ,
the story of a masked man
the ending of a endless lover ,
found from within his deepness
she screams and writes onto her page ,
showing her true colors ..
blank conscious fills his mind ...
as he witnessed the love of her rage

worthlessly falling to his knees
feeling self sorrow he realizes all that he ,
ever lived for was a bind ,
that was a story of a risk
of a love ,
at mind ...