
This is a collection of poetry that i have written under my pen name Mellanie Hill. The poems are in chronological order from oldest to newest. I have written more poems, but this was all that i could find, i will probably add more in the future. I welcome constructive comments and just comments in general but please if you have nothing but badness to say please don't post.

Untitled #1

Looking up at the stars I feel like some one is looking back at me
With the same wondering look
Either some one on another planet or
Some one who is watching the same star as me
Who ever it is it doesn’t matter they make me feel connected
Connected to this messed up rock we call earth
Does everything have to be solved with fighting?
If war is what it is then peace seems hard
The things we have figured out have gone away
Lost forgotten never to be seen again
In the past getting high and forgetting everything was the in
But nowadays people just watch TV
And suck up all the sorrow the fear and the happiness
They think everything’s fake
Well reality check

New Generation

Once upon a time
Children believed in fairytales
And midnight dreams.
In this era
All that’s left is an empty shell
All knowing but confused.


The darkness swallows
What you can not see
Creeping up behind,
Like a snake in the grass
Slithering, evil.
It giggles.
A little girl on a playground
From your memory
Singing a song
With no words.
Evil, deadly.
Your past come back
To play.

The Bridge

A bridge that was cherished
Now neglected.
Sitting alone in the moonlight
It listens,
To the calming stream below,
Wishing it could flow as free.
Wishing for the people
That it never liked
To walk again
Upon its wooden back.

Day Dream

The real world fades
As you drift from what is ‘important’.
Your eyes see blackness
And then the thoughts,
The thoughts of your subconscious
Fly you to an unseen world
Drifting past the fantasies
Of a forgotten past
To dreams of the present
Where there lies a mirror
You see yourself
The reflection is not right
It is all wrong, distorted, afraid
Afraid of the end your new dreams meet:
Your death.
Moving away from the truth
You step too far and start to fall
Falling, plummeting too fast
To quickly the jagged ground seems to come
You close your eyes
Not wanting to see your fate.
But the pain doesn’t come,
The thoughts subside,
The darkness around fades to light,
You come back in time to hear
A bell,
Class dismissed

Untitled #2

Footsteps in the sand,
A sad melody drifting in her head.
There was nothing left to her.
He had left,
Taking everything with him.
The waves wash up beside her feet,
Giving comfort to the numbness
Of no emotion.

Untitled #3

Where to start..
I actually don’t know, this is the first time I’ve actually done this.
I don’t know weather to tell the truth or lie
This isn’t right.
I shouldn’t be here writing this, when others can’t even read.
The songs are bombing my head, sending different opinions, different personalities.
Different people wanting the same things; just listen and you will see.
The truth through the throbbing lies.
Poetry is one of the many ways to lie too.
Or there is a possibility that the objects so personal to us will kill us first.
Mulling with the lullabies we heard or didn’t hear in the past, we drift.
‘You only live once’
The last words of the gods.
Who are the creators and creation of the men.
Has anybody ever spoke of the women?
They’re never mentioned.
The birth giver, the care taker, the entertainer, the extra, the witch, the demon, the angel, the emotion.
This could continue but that would get off the point.
The point now.
Well this has no real point.
Excuses and lies cover up the truth and no one can see the meaning or the point.
They all know it,
And they know they know it they just cant admit it.
The second between life and death and emotion.
The ruiner of true feelings.
.I’m not listening to you anymore.

Peter Pan

The leaves have fallen,
The coldness has come.
The trees have all shed their beauty,
All except for one.
A black tree in the middle
Of everything.
On its black limbs
There lay buds,
Buds of incredible flowers.
Flowers that are unlike others,
They only bloom
When the first snowflakes
Drop to the ground.
Then magic becomes
The buds open
To reveal
A beauty that is never envied…
A concept that is never understood…
An idea that never catches on…
Music that is never heard…
Objects that are never seen…
Emotions that are never felt…
A Child that never grows old.


Princesses, Fairies, and Mermaids…
Are beings of Fairytales.

Dragons, Knights, and Castles…
Are things of Legends.

Dinosaurs, Cowboys and New Land…
Are pieces of the Past.

Aliens, War and Space…
Are worries of the Future.

Why do we entangle ourselves
In what we are not?

When we should be
Finding what the present is all about.
