Forest Inferno

My team participated in Global Game Jam last weekend and created this game called Forest Inferno. It's kind of a real-time action puzzle game where you consistently grow and burn trees. Why? Because the village elder thinks the flames are sacred, they being left over from a Phoenix.

My role in this game was an assistant lead designer; prototyping and fixing bugs that went wrong within it. My 2nd role was to teach photoshop to other students while working on the User Interface graphics. A few of my team walked away with something more, and the result of our efforts shows up in the title screen's logo (I made "Inferno" and my team made "Forest").

Global Game Jam is a worldwide event that happens once a year where groups of people get together and create a video game in 48 hours relating to a theme. The theme for this year's global game jam was a picture. This picture did not come with any words or background, they just uploaded the image to their site and we had to work with it. The image was Ouroboros, the snake eating its tail. Our team decided to use its symbolic "self destruction/self renewal" as the theme of our burning forest game.

The game came out pretty well, and is a bit challenging. Try it out if you feel.

What more, try to get a high score.