Well I'm really into cosplaying so I decided to make a whole thread about it.

So far I've only done three (I'm poor...), but they were fun.

Anemone [Eureka7] - It didn't turn out so good, which is why I'm not posting pictures of it. Ever. It was my very first cosplay so that's understandable I guess.
Dave Strider [Homestuck] - I wore this one to Chibi-pa 2k11. It was actually pretty decent, despite my womanly hips and girlish face. I wasn't in character at all and basically posed awkwardly for pictures but I got a lot of hugs? Also I got to be the canon Dave on the Homestuck panel which was really cool, even if it's something I would never do again except for large amounts of money. I also did Satan Dave and FemDave variations on the same weekend. I don't have many good pics of this one. Bleh.
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Vriska Serket [Homestuck] - I've worn it to a meet up and plan on wearing it to Megacon next month. I don't have any pictures of it completed but it's basically finished now... I don't know if I can say it's completed, actually, since I need to do a ton of retouching on it, and totally just redo some parts. I have some pictures where I borrowed someone's horns. It's kind of derpy since it was a candid shot and Dave kept shoving the lil' man in my face... EDIT Added some pictures from Mega.
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FemBrief [Panty and Stocking] - I got a cheaper fabric than what I had originally planned, and it wrinkled really easily. Also, this was my first time using a pattern I'd made myself, so I had some problems. Like the sleeves. And the side seams. I did a rush job taking them in before leaving the hotel on Sunday, I don't think it's too obvious. I forgot to take pictures of myself, so here's a picture with my fronds.
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FemBrief [Panty and Stocking] - REDOING. Still have to make the backpack and proper headphones. Need to remake the dress too, with a better fabric.
Ruby [Ruby Quest] - I have a design drawn up and I've found where to buy some of the stuff online but that's about it.
Matryoshka Gumi [Vocaloid - I have the patterns for iron ons on my computer but I'm probably gonna get a screen printing kit and do it that way.

Eridan Ampora [Homestuck]
Jennifer [Rule of Rose]
Fionna [Adventure Time]
Terra [KH: Birth by Sleep]
Mysterion [South Park]
Dave Strider: black suit variation [Homestuck]
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu [PONPONPON]
Weeabro [Homestuck]
Fam [Last Exile]
Prince Gumball [Adventure Time]
Junpei [Persona 3]
Chie [Persona 4]
Atori [Noein]