
Listening to the c**k-a-doodle-do of the rooster, and watching as the sun slowly raise its head to the new found morning. I stagger not if failure but in victory, after finishing a gruesome 320 paged *read by heart the book session* with my new found companion for life and friend, the dysphagia management book, at 4:00am in the morning. I now find my self in an utter state of tranquility and peace, followed by a severe headache, maybe caused by lack of sleep and minor head trauma.

As the morning sun peeks through window, and from the window the vibrant sun rays slowy creep though the hills. I slowly stretch out my hand and arms in the air, and I slowly rose up from the office chair from which my buttocks have been carefully placed on for several hours, in an attempt to stretch our my strained joints from a night of information gathering.

I hear a soft knocking on my door *knock knock*. I slowly opened it, and there I saw my little niece with bright eyes and a smile that took off all my tiredness away. Then I heard my mom calling out for me,"Ting kakain na ng breakfast. Halika kain na tayo.". I walked slowly walked through the halls and down the stairs to follow the wondrous scent of the food that our kasama's have readied for us.

As I slowly sit down the chair I looked into everyone's faces. My dad, mom, little brother, big brother, ate, my ate's inaanak, my niece and our kasama's. All with bright faces except for my father and ate who seemed to have gone through the same perils that I had during the night. Breakfast started with a short and humble prayer. We ate slowly, sharing stories, and taking in the colorful bursts of flavors that erupted in our mouths. The meal ended and I found myself back in my room and in front of my computer.

Now, a new day begins..