Tips for Building----When you're building a deck, stand size for a battle is 10-15, but in all reality, it
only takes five cards to act as the foundation or plot of the deck. These five cards will serve as the core, usually based on one of the points mentioned above.
Let's Examine the Rookie Deck:Can you guess what the Core here might be? The main power set of this deck would be the combo of Sacred Fruit and Banana Trap. In battles with Rookie vs Rookie, these two cards can be quite powerful. In any other case, however, this would work as a Drain Combo. Yes, I know I said that a core is usually five cards, but in a rookie battle, these are the only two that you'd need.
Of course since they rely on your opponent getting you down to a low amount of health, you have the other eight cards to give you something to do why you wait for them to slowly whittle you down to the right amount.
Rapid Arrow, Blue Blaster and, Pyrosphere would serve as your amplification, increasing the amount of damage that you deal over time.
Aero Wing and Metal Armor serve for evasion, limiting the amount of damage that you take.
And then you have Digi Apple and Coral Rip to serve as supporting cards for healing up and making sure that, in this case, they're not dealing too much damage to you.
Toy Flame is a rather versatile card and can be very useful as it heals your health, restores some MP, and then adds to your attack.