Name: Naolin Suleke
Naolin - Aztec God of The Sun
Suleke - Sun

Blood colour: Orange Blood

Gender: Female

Symbol: Here. This sign is a rune with a name with associations to horse, movement, and the movement of the sun.

Personality: What is your troll like? Are they a joker? Short-tempered? Shy? Do they have any quirks? Hobbies? How do they get out and interact with other trolls? Think of a personality for your troll at it's child stage, as that is when you begin to roleplay. You can come back and submit an edited profile as they grow and change, so don't worry about predicting how they will change when they become adults.

Strengths: two minimum, four maximum. think of strengths as things other trolls would admire about your troll, or that help your troll in some way during everyday life. try and keep strengths and flaws balanced in number.
Flaws: two minimum, four maximum. think of flaws as things other trolls would dislike about your troll, or that hinder and hurt your troll in some way during everyday life. try and keep strengths and flaws balanced in number.

Weapon: A whip.

Appearance: You can go crazy, these are just refs for inspiration! Hair / Clothing. I'm going for a ranch girl look, so if she could possibly have a cowboy hate too, that would be awesome :>

Home: where has your troll chosen to build their first house? locations currently available: forest, city, suburb, desert, mountain, lakeside, plains, beach, cave, ocean and lake (ocean and lake available to aquatic trolls only). please check the thread on alternia locations in the information subforum for a more in-depth explanation on where you are placing your troll!

Lusus: what strange creature has taken your troll under their wing? maybe something that your troll might have picked up habits from? if you are uncertain of what to do for a lusus, check out the lusus information thread.

Power: optional. see power section above for more information.