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Random Blinking Light [Winter/Dante need foal RP!]

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Eloquent Rogue

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:14 pm
Heylo! I'm Novablu, but you can call me Nova or Novii. I'm a 23 year old gal from Indiana; I'm random, crazy, and a goofball. I'm a little dense at times, and rather ADD. I'm also a writer. Scratch that. I'm an indie author of YA fantasy and romance.

So, because I'm an author, I may be a little slow at tags. Just a fair warning. I'd actually do better with background plotting/light informal/OOC RP with pairs I'm planning on breeding... But certain pairs I'll want RP for? I guess I'm just fickle XD

Also, I'll admit I love pairing/breeding Soqu, but I'm not in it just for the kids. Unless you are. XD In which case, let's do this! But I also want good relationships/melding personalities. smile And sexy kids.

You wanna plot/wanna RP/want to do a breeding together? Best way to contact me is to quote or IM me (AIM: LykosEcho). Just say hey, who you are, what you need. I may or may not be away from the computer, but I'll get back with you smile

So, here we go!



DomoxNiobe 1
DomoxNiobe 2
DomoxNiobe 3



PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:27 pm
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Name: Gypsy Winter
Nickname: Winter, Frost Prince, Emo-boy

Personality: Shy and artistic, feminine, can be described as an "emo-kid" at times. He's aloof around strangers and doesn't feel like he's really "whole". Somewhat confused about the rights and wrongs of life, attracted to 'darker' personalities for friends and love-interests. He tends to get into trouble/get hurt without meaning to, an angel needing saved himself. He's jealous of his family, of his parents' happy lovestory. He's a little greedy; it's a vice he's hidden from his family, but it's creeping out. He's possessive of his trinkets: He collects bones and creepy things. Prefers solitude versus too much companionship--a long flight will calm his frayed nerves. Is attracted to strangeness, darkness, beauty... He's a lover of beautiful things...and addicted to pain, although he feels like a monster for admitting it. All in all, believes he needs saved.

History: Winter is the son of Phantom and Daytona, a couple who met as foals and fell into a deep love for each other...and adventure. They are young parents, bound to make mistakes, and Winter is proof of this...though where his darkly beautiful mind came from, they're not sure. They love him, despite his distance to them, and he loves them and would protect them if the need called for it. He just...hides it.

Likes: Beauty. Darkness. Blood. Storms. Flying. Solitude. Art.
Dislikes: Soqu who are too sweet, too optimistic, or too...perfect.

Parents: Daytona x Gypsy Phantom
Siblings: Gypsy Royale (sister) and Phantom Whisper (sister)

Sexuality: Pansexual -- Drawn to beauty vs. a specific gender.

Mate: Open after his first breeding! I'm looking, I think, for someone with a darker personality. She/He doesn't have to be evil (but can be) but can just be...crueler, queer, creepy... Or just look that way and let Winter be the darker character. Winter's drawn to oddities, and he'd think mutants were gorgeous and someone to be worshipped...as long as they filled his greedy need for pain and satisfaction.

Only requirements I have? Mane edits. Tail can be edited or not, doesn't matter. Breed doesn't matter and I'm open to a mixture of odd colors.

Breedings: 1/3 taken. He could fling all three, or he could fall in love for his second two breedings. It's up to the owner of the mate smile If he falls in love with a stallion and lovemate, I'll want to breed him at least once to a surrogate.


x) Got any ideas? Fling 'em my way!




x) Winter x Rinkini "Beautiful Darkness"  


Eloquent Rogue


Eloquent Rogue

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:29 pm
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Name: Dante
Nickname: None

Personality: Assertive. TBA

History: Dante is the son of Vitania and Serren, young lifemates who live each day to its fullest and look pretty much like rockstars razz Vitania's mother is a carnivorous flutter and Serren's mother spent her entire foalhood finding hills to jump off in order to "fly", so what may come of these children...?

Likes: Unknown...
Dislikes: Unknown...

Parents: Vitania x Serren
Siblings: ?? (sister) and Annikki (sister)

Sexuality: Straight
Mate: Too young
Breedings: Too young


x) Im'a foal! ;D


PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:31 pm
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Name: Domovoi
Nickname: Domo, Dom
Breed: Angeni-Flutter

Personality: Domovoi is calm and content to be at peace with the world. He lets the world roll around him, contented, making friends fairly easily but he does get nervous/stuttery around mares other than his sister. He is Angeni-Flutter, expected to do many things by his parents: He is the prince of the faerie realm that his father lingers in, as well as wanted by his mother, a destroyer of evil, to follow in her hoof prints and train as a warrior. Domo wants none of this (he likes the faeries enough, but doesn't want to rule them, and hates the idea of bloodshed, even for peace -- besides, kalonas can't be that bad...can they?). He's conflicted by this.

History: Domovoi is the result of a breeding between Aleksei and Oberon. Aleksei is a warrior Angeni, a defender of the innocent. Putting it bluntly: She kills the bad guys. Or at least she did, until she met Oberon. Oberon is a quirky Flutter who thinks he's King of the Faeries. The breeding was pure lust...but after Oberon saved her life, stifling her career as a huntress, she's become attached to him. Domovoi was brought up, angel-winged, and Aleksei wanted him to follow in her footsteps. She trained him, but blood makes him woozy. So he set off and met a beautiful Flutter mare named Niobe, who he's now the bodyguard to.

Likes: Peace. Serenity. Happiness. Smiling. Feminine attention. The ocean. Stargazing.
Dislikes: Blood. Violence. Hatred. Fear. Cats. Storms.

Parents: Aleksei x Oberon
Siblings: Etain (sister)
Extended Family: Kerr-tien (nephew)

Sexuality: Straight
Mate: Niobe
Breedings: Definite 1/3 taken. Uncertain on if they'll lifemate in the future (up to you, Doodlelove!)


Foal--> I didn't RP him as a foal, so he's up for a variety of foal RP biggrin Note, his mother is in the middle of training him to be a warrior. And his father tells him he's prince of the fae. So he'll be conflicted!

x) Bad Versus Good: I want Domo to meet a variety of 'bad/scary' Soquili: Kalonas/Mutants. I'd like him to see that they can be both badder than bad, or even bordering on nice/not evil? So I'd like both meetings with 'evil' and 'good' "bad" Soqu biggrin Also up for suggestions/plots on this one! Maybe he could make a good friend out of one of them...Oh, his mother would have a cow.

x) Steal Your Heart: Maybe a flirty seductress could try and woo Domo's attention...I'm unsure of how he'd react; he hasn't proclaimed his love to Niobe ICly yet, but he'll be loyal to her once he does. Up for suggestions for this one!

x) Love: Domo x Niobe plots/RP <3 <3 <3

x) Family...Someday: Once he and Niobe are officially a couple and he gets older, spending more time with her, he's going to...want a family of his own. He's awkward about this, though. He's not sure how to handle kids--just that he wants them. So maybe he could meet a couple of different foals?

x) Heroics: He's never condoned his mother for being a protector, but he's never felt it's his job. I want him to be able to save someone (either foal or adult) from a definite bad guy. So I'll need both a bad guy (bonus if he's met said Baddie in earlier RPs) and a victim... I'm seeing him winning this, but barely. Give him a new pride for his mother, who risks her life every day.  


Eloquent Rogue


Eloquent Rogue

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:36 pm
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Name: Serren
Nickname: Serr, Star
Breed: Wind

Personality: Alluring. Serren is cool, easy-going, confident and breezy. He's smooth with words for the most part and like his mother, is nice to everyone...but he will hold a grudge if he needs to, and he does not trust anyone "evil" without good reason. He's close with his more innocent brother, Torrin, and has always looked out for him. He's bold, a flirt, and loves pretty mares...especially little violet flutters with red wings -- aka, his mate, Vitania. He's loyal to her, though it doesn't mean he won't look at the other girls if they catch his eye. Currently finding out what love's all about.

History: Serren is the son of Akiilani, a mare without wings who yearns to fly, and Basil, a gentleman. He's spent a lot of his childhood roaming, flirting, being a casanova, but he's always returned. Torrin, his little brother, is his best friend and he'll do what he can to keep his secret--that he's gay--just that: a secret.


Parents: Akiilani x Basil
Siblings: Torrin (brother)

Sexuality: Straight
Mate: Vitania
Breedings: 3/3 taken with his lifemate.
Offspring: ON THE WAY :3


x) Smooth Operator: Serren's a flirt. He's not particularly GOOD at flirting, but he appreciates a gorgeous mare. Not that he's not loyal to Vitania--she's his love, his baby--but he can't help his straying eyes. Maybe he can smooth-talk a couple of pretty gals? Flirt with bashful fillies? Maybe someone can have a huge crush on him and he leads her on...only to realize she loves him, and then he'll feel like a d**k and will have to let her down easy? Open to suggestions!

x) Guy Friends: Serren's best friend is his brother...who's gay. And Vitania, who's a girl, and his lover Which is fine and dandy, but he's never really had a guy friend. Maybe he could meet someone in need of friendship? Show him he can care for people other than his family... The guy in question would also be god-father of his foals if all goes well biggrin

x) Awkward Father: Serren hasn't spent much time around foals; they make him feel awkward. Well, he's going to be a dad...and he's terrified, but hides it behind a mask. He wants to comfort his mate, but the idea of being responsible...scares him. Maybe he could meet a foal who makes him realize he'll be a good dad?

x) Plots/RP with Vitania <3  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:38 pm
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Name: Van
Nickname: Van razz
Breed: Unicorn

Personality: Van is an adventurer, a wanderer by nature. He is light-hearted and fiesty, eager to please; a lover of all things beautiful and a collector of trinkets. He follows his heart, believing Fate leads him through the day and night. Believes it's Fate that brings him together with friends/family and loved ones and believes Fate will bring him the perfect lover, the perfect girl he can forever adventure with. He's quick to fall in puppy-love with someone, but no one's ever stuck it out with him (which is what he craves, forever) lone enough for him to be deeply in love. He's very open/accepting of everything.

History: Van's mother was a traveling gypsy, his father a drifting one-night-stand. He was the only foal born and stayed with his mother until he was a yearling, when he broke off to pave his own road.

Likes: Trinkets. Shiny things. Crows and birds in general. Family. Fate.
Dislikes: Liars and cheats. Unfairness.

Parents: Unknown.
Siblings: No siblings, probable half-siblings somewhere.

Sexuality: Straight
Mate: Testing out...
Breedings: 1/3 taken?. 2/3 open. Open to suggestions smile Must have mane edits, but breed doesn't matter. I'm leaning towards lifemate for his last two breedings, but with the perfect mare, I'd go for plots/flings.


x) Thief!: Van is compulsively drawn to shiny trinkets and beautiful objects...to the point where he's obsessive. He needs it to add to his collection. Since he was raised by a gypsy mare, he doesn't think twice about stealing. Maybe he can steal something from someone, or fail at it...and learn a lesson (maybe LOL).

x) Healing Hands: Van's pure Uni, but he's skeptical that he could be a healer. I would like him to have to heal in an emergency--maybe a wounded Soqu in need of help after a fight/fall? Up to suggestions/plots.

x) True Love...Maybe: Van's plotted for a fling. He's gonna fall head over heels for the girl...but I don't know yet if she's "the one" for him, the one he'll be tied for destiny-wise for the rest of his life. In which case, I may need his future mate to come along and pick up the pieces... She may have to accept the fact that he will have a foal at his side from another mare. I can see drama happening biggrin  


Eloquent Rogue


Eloquent Rogue

PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 4:47 pm
One more post for good measure razz

And open!  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:04 pm
Gypsy Winter Plot..... =D


I was wondering if Gypsy would be willing to meet Rinkini? She is a little.... manipulative at times, and will use her beautiful and innocent looks to get exactly what she wants. Though she isn't evil with it... just a little naughty =D
She has been brought up in the way of the Roma, but only ever sees futures of death and destruction which has her down sometimes....

But anywho, I thought it may be fun to do a little light RP or Background plotting between the pair if you are willing? (Slow replies do not bother me at all).

So, let me know =D (I think I have you on AIM already... but if not syaoranpuu is my username)  


Enduring Werewolf

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Eloquent Rogue

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 8:21 pm
Gypsy Winter Plot..... =D


I was wondering if Gypsy would be willing to meet Rinkini? She is a little.... manipulative at times, and will use her beautiful and innocent looks to get exactly what she wants. Though she isn't evil with it... just a little naughty =D
She has been brought up in the way of the Roma, but only ever sees futures of death and destruction which has her down sometimes....

But anywho, I thought it may be fun to do a little light RP or Background plotting between the pair if you are willing? (Slow replies do not bother me at all).

So, let me know =D (I think I have you on AIM already... but if not syaoranpuu is my username)

Added you on AIM biggrin Sorry it's taken me forever; RL swallowed me whole! biggrin But I'd love to plot/rp with the beautiful Rinkini biggrin  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:15 pm

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I think that Gypsy and Alexandre should meet. I think they could either be great friends or maybe even rivals. As far as plot goes I think maybe just a general meet and greet? After that we could always talk about a plot idea or something. C:
Here is his plot thread as an adult and as a foal.

Or having him meet my new mare:

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She needs lots of interactions. XD


Romantic Raider

Yumitoko II

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:49 am
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This is for Winter...two words... Uncle Eddie! xP  
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