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The Road to Elderhood. [Herd interest thread!] Goto Page: 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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Super Trash

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:51 pm
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Welcome to my Meta!Plot thread for
Lissa. I'm aiming to get her elder status and with that, as we all know,
comes a lot of work. I've got a lot of plots worked out and I need people to
help me! Please, PLEASE, don't offer up for a plot if you're going to die a few
posts later. @_@

Some of the plots will involve violence and fighting using dice. The outcomes
will be totally random. Your soq MAY lose. Be weary of this. It will be RP'd
fights, so they will probably lose via some trap or something, not with Lissa
fighting. I'll fine tune this for when the time comes. <3

Lissa's not looking for love. :3

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:53 pm
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Personality: Vasilissa is a very strong mare.
Both physically (strong for a uni) and emotionally.

Since her father's death she's had a strong desire to lead in order to make
him proud. It was his only wish in life - for her to become a great leader.
Because of this, Lissa's always studying and traveling, making ties with soq
etc'. She takes her role seriously when in front of others, but when she's by
herself she tends to let her hair down and relax a little - express how she's
feeling out loud rather than holding it in.

She's not afraid to stand up for what she believes is right, even if it may
result in her death. So long as she protects others around her, she feels it
won't be a vain death. She's stubborn, strong willed and a fast learner.

Vasilissa is terrified of failure and letting others down. For this reason, she's
always going out of her way to help others. She's a little naive; believing that
with a little love and care anyone can be good.

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Super Trash


Super Trash

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:07 pm
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Before she came to her current location, Lissa was a member of another herd.
The herd was small but influential because the leader was powerful,
intelligent and ruled with decency and trust in his followers. This stallion
was Lissa's father. She was a foal when he was in power and so she was
oblivious to the politics he had to deal with. Including the politics that
lead to his and her mother's murder. Lissa escaped with the help of a
strange mare who she doesn't really remember. She survived on her
own until she grew up and found her two usdia companions.

They were without a leader and asked Lissa to take up the position.
She accepted, not really knowing what she
was doing and what she was going to do later down the track.

Now Lissa is seeking the help of leaders she's heard stories of; asking
for advice and teachings. She's also attending a school and taking
various medical and fighting classes. Hopefully, one day, she'll be
the leader her father was.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:09 pm
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Current Plots

How exactly is this done? I'm looking for soquilli to teach
Lissa what it takes to be a leader. Whether it's a leader giving her advice or
another soquili giving their opinion on what makes a good leader, anything is
better than nothing.

Fighting techniques?: I want someone to teach Lissa how to fight -
defensively mostly as she doesn't want to hurt anyone unless she has no
other option. Sneaky tactics (traps etc'.) would be LOVED.

Battles Lissa will run into some pretty.. mean soquili in her travels. I
want her to fight them. This will be done via RP & dice rolling. Your soq MAY
lose. Please be okay with this. Please no one that's going to want to
kill/torture/maim her in the end.

To lead I need a herd. People who want to be a part of Lissa's herd. It
will basically just be a big family, everyone's welcome so long as they won't
bring harm to others.

Defenders Lissa needs allies. Soquili who will help defend her lands.
They can either be members of the herd, friends or soquili she's paid to help

It was you? Lissa's parents were murdered in a fire that also killed the
herd she was a part of. She doesn't know WHO started it, but she is
determined to find out. I want someone to help her discover who the culprit is
and then have her confront them - verbally only, for now.

I thought you were dead. The fire that killed her parents, destroyed her
home. Because Lissa was rescued by an unknown (though she now knows
via RP that's going on currently) soquili, she assumed everyone else die. I
would like for her to meet survivors. She may not remember them at first, as
she was young when this happened.

Future Plots

Revenge: After her confrontation with the soquili who murdered her
parents, Lissa's fueled by her desire to seek revenge. Nothing else matters
to her at this point. She wants them to pay, to die like her father did. She
needs to be stopped, to learn that she's no better than they are if she
continues. Perhaps in her way she lashes out and hurts someone close to
her. Perhaps she confronts them and is about to kill them and realises they
have children. Anything could happen.

A rival (herd) Someone who is going to constantly trying to
bring Lissa down. It can either be a single soq working with soq he/she's
paid etc'. or another herd. They don't have to be evil, necessarily. Maybe
they want the land or something.

Betrayal Someone in the herd doesn't belong. They're spying for the
rival, giving them information etc'. Lissa discovers the spy, but much too late.
She confronts them and her own feelings about not noticing them for so long.

The Battle The rival herd will plan to attack Lissa's herd. There will be a
HUGE battle. Lissa WILL lose. NO killing. No mutilating unless the owner of
the soquili says it's okay. I'd like this to be.. intricate. Planned out. Have
strategy, traps, tricks etc'. Cunning.

Hopelessness Lissa's herd has been broken. Members scattered,
defeated and abandoned. She's failed. Someone needs to give her the
strength and courage to work it back up. Members of the herd are free to join
back again if they please. There will be individual RPs with each of them so
Lissa can build the herd up again.

Defend the Lands! Someone has come snooping around the lands (the
villian for this plot has been filled!) seeking treasure that's located in the
caves. They're bringing a group and we need to stop them.

Motherhood Lissa's had children. She's confused and doesn't know
how to act around them. She's distant and doesn't really interact with them
because she doesn't know how. Someone needs to teach her, tell her she'
doing a good job.

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Super Trash


Super Trash

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:10 pm
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Name: To be determined.
Values/Beliefs/Morals: They believe in trust, love and family. Everyone
is important to the herd, no matter what their role. They all work together to
keep the herd prosperous and alive. The herd has a good allignment. They
will never do harm to others and will never let harm come to those who do
not have the ability to defend themselves. They believe in fighting for those
you love and what you believe in. Lifemating is encouraged in the herd,
however a soquili will not be looked down upon if a fling occurs. (More to
come. Open for input)

Members Everyone is free to join, so long as they aren't evil. Members
are free to travel as they please and are free to leave the herd for whatever
reason they choose. Offspring of herd members are automatically accepted
into the herd, should the parents wish for them to be members. Members
will be given specific roles in the herd.

Outsiders: The herd will not have a problem with outsiders, unless they
have an evil disposition - in which case they will not be trusted and will be
asked to leave the lands. Outsiders are free to visit and may apply to join the
herd if they wish.

The herd will have many different roles for the members.
Leader: Position has been filled, obviously. This is pretty self explanatory.
Advisor: This will be a position that will be decided upon via RP. People
can apply for it and an RP will be carried out with Lissa.
Head guard: Of all the soquili that apply to be guards (AND members
of the herd, not just hired guards), there will be a battle. The soquili that wins
will become the head guard. If you don't want your soquili to be the head
guard, that's fine, just say so. <3
Guards: Those who defend the herd.
Scouts: These soquili are quick moving, either on feet or in flight. They
are the first to see enemies approaching.
Healers: Those who heal the sick and injured.
Crafters: These soquili craft items that we can use to trade with other
Smithers: These soquili craft weapons & armour.
Gatherers: They gather the food we eat. <3
Baby-sitters: Guard the foals while their parents are working. :3
Nomads: Those that travel around. They can bring useful information
back to the herd.
Members: All who don't have a specific role. Foals start off in this
category. Older soquili can retire and become regular members.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:14 pm
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Offering for a Plot!
[size=18][color=#df4f8c][b][u]Offering for a Plot![/b][/u][/color][/size]
[b]Soquili's Name:[/b]
[b]Plot you're offering for?[/b]
[b]Soquili's personality?[/b]
[b]Why do you think this soquili would be suited for the plot?[/b]
[b]How active are you at RP?[/b]
[b]Are you okay with your soquili being in a fight and possibly being injured? (nothing serious. there will be healers running around)[/b]
[b]Anything else?[/b]

Applying to Join the Herd!
[size=18][color=#df4f8c][b][u]Applying to Join the Herd![/b][/u][/color][/size]
[b]Soquili's Name:[/b]
[b]What role do you wish your soquili to have?[/b]
[b]Soquili's personality?[/b]
[b]Why do you think this soquili would be suited for the herd/role?[/b]
[b]How active are you at RP?[/b]
[b]Anything else?[/b]

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Super Trash


Super Trash

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 8:15 pm
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RP color: #df4f8c

Current RPs:
Only RPs that will go towards her eldership will be kept here. <3
Familiarity | Thesh-ah | Ongoing | Tagged!
Chapter 2 - Planning | Semuan-Ya | Ongoing | Tag needed.
Just.. Be Gentle. | Edward Vassago | Ongoing | Tagged!
Guidance | Akuba | Ongoing | Tagged!
Back to the Ashes | Laeh | Ongoing | Tagged.
Practice what you're learning | Alexandre | Ongoing | Tagged.
In the Beginning | Demon | Ongoing | Tagged.
Chapter 3 - First Fight. | Ongoing | Semuan-Ya | Tagged!

Finished RPs:

Chapter one - Enemies | Semuan-Ya | Finished.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:36 pm


^Will add a banner later.

As mentioned in my plots, Lissa and her companions will go through a lot of
battles. I've developed a formula to help decide the victors of those battles,
rather than just plot to decide who wins. It's a lot more fun this way, I think.

The following stats will play a part in the fights - stamina, strength, luck and

I will try and match up people depending on their stat range - that way we
don't have someone who is 100% going against someone who's in the 4 - 12
range, but if there is a surprise attack it will be RNG'd and the pairs will be
random. <3

How this is going to work
I'm thinking we won't roll in the RP, it'll make things messy and confusing.
Each person who is participating in a battle will be given access to a private
guild of mine. Rolling can occur there and the outcomes can be RP'd out.
This way I can also monitor posts (YOU'RE ALL CHEATERS. jksjks).

Each soquili will start off with 50 HP. Stamina increases the HP by the %
that stat is on.
Example. Lissa's stamina is on 52%. Her HP would then be 76. ([0.52x50] +

Each soquili can make base attacks between 4 and 12.
The strength stat increases the attack in the following brackets.
00% - 20% = 3 point hit boost
21% - 40% = 7 point hit boost
41% - 60% = 10 point hit boost
61% - 80% = 13 point hit boost
81% - 100% = 15 point hit boost

that is a solid number added to the number rolled, not a %.
Example: Lissa's strength is on 49%. This puts her bonus in the 41 - 60
bracket and gives her a bonus of 10. If she rolls a 4, her attack is 14.

When a soquili is attacked, they can then roll to defend. Luck plays a small
part in this as well.
A number is generated between 1 - 100. Depending on which brackets your
number falls, the following happens.
A soquili may defend against an attack. When an attack is made on a
soquili, they must generate a number between 1 & 100.

1 - 50 = attack hits with full damage.
51 - 80 = attack does 75% damage
81 - 95 = attack does 50% damage
96 - 100 = attack misses.

However, depending on your luck, you get the following.
00% - 20% = +3 to the number rolled.
21% - 40% = +7 to the number rolled.
41% - 60% = +10 to the number rolled.
61% - 80% = +13 to the number rolled
81% - 100% = +15 to the number rolled

Example. Lissa rolls and gets 85. Her luck is 50% so she adds 10 to her
final score, giving her a 95 and making her foe's attack miss.

First strike
Speed determines who gets to attack first (from then on it just goes turn
A 1-100 dice is rolled. The person with the highest number attacks first. The
speed stat effects this in the following way, depending on what bracket you
fall into.

00% - 20% = 3 number boost
21% - 40% = 7 number boost
41% - 60% = 10 number boost
61% - 80% = 13 number boost
81% - 100% = 15 number boost

At the beginning.
Each person MUST link to their Teepee with their stats.
After rolling they'll describe what happened. I.E. Rolling for Lissa's attack.
Lissa attacks with 18.
The person rolling for defence will then say.
Rolling for X's defense. The attack missed (or what have you). X's HP is now
Keep track of your HP with every post. It'll make things easier. DON'T delete
posts. If you're found deleting posts without permission your soquili loses
and you won't get to participate in anymore battles.

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Super Trash


Super Trash

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:44 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:45 pm
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Super Trash


Super Trash

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:46 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:47 pm
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Super Trash


Super Trash

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:48 pm
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:49 pm
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Super Trash


Super Trash

PostPosted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:50 pm
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