Hi guys! I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this, so mods feel free to move this if there's somewhere more appropriate.

So, here's the deal. I was thinking about what to get my mom for Christmas. I've been trying to really think about her gifts the last couple years, and she's liked all of them, but I don't want to just get her perfume and earrings again. Today, I thought of getting her a makeover. I don't know if you can pay for stylists, but I assume those would be pretty expensive. Does anyone know price rangers for those?

The other route I'd like to go is take her shopping and be her stylist for the day, instead of "hiring" someone. I'd probably pay for some clothes and she'd pay for others. She knows I've developed good fashion sense in the last few years, so I think she'd trust my opinion.

I'm worried about a few things, though, and I'd love anyone's opinions on them:

1) The reason I'm doing this is because my mom doesn't like a lot of her clothing now, but she's been saying she wants to lose weight before she gets new clothes. She quite a bit of weight a few years ago, but after a knee injury made her inactive, she gained it all back. She's fine now, but hasn't started exercising. She's not overweight, by the way, she is just an average middle-age mother who's not in great shape.

I feel like waiting to lose weight again is hard, because she doesn't have a lot of time to, and keeps putting it off. Her weight fluctuates sometimes, too, so I feel like it would be good for her to have clothes that fit and make her feel good, even if they're in a larger size, because a lot of the clothes that fit right now she doesn't like and are unflattering. Also, I believe nice clothes can boost confidence even if she isn't her ideal weight right now.

2) I don't want it to come off like I'm saying she's fat. She's not, but like I said above, I think better clothes would make her look and feel better.

3) If we do go shopping, I'm afraid of picking out things that look unflattering, or her having to keep going up in sizes to find one that fits and getting depressed. I'm afraid the trip could go south and end up with her viewing her body negatively and making her feel worse.

So, any and all opinions are appreciated. If I don't do this, I think I'm at least going to take her to this bra place she took me in eighth grade when I couldn't fit into any department store bra no matter what my measurements said. They did a wonderful job, and all my mom has are really old, worn ones from stores. I think even better bras would help her, as they'd give her more support and keep things in place better.

Thanks for the help in advance, guys!