Rule 1: You can only create the FIRST 3 digimon you get 100% of in each area
-No Duplicates
-All must be nicknamed
-If a certain Digimon is required to progress the story, you are allowed to catch it and release it when you're finished using it.
Rule 2: If a Digimon dies it must be deleted/permanently farmed/banked. It's considered erased.
Rule 6:You can only Digivolve or Degenerate Digimon once it reaches it's MAX level cap.
Rule 8:You can only use the codes if the codes are in game. Basically if someone say Alphamon gives you a code for DotAgumon then you can use the code other than that no codes can be used until after you beat the game.
"BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP" the alarm on my clock went off. "HUH!?" I woke up and looked around at everything. I was still in my room. Nothing destroyed no Pokemon partners. I took a look at my clock to see what day it was. That couldn't be right? It's 3 months until I start my Pokemon quest? Was it all just a dream? It was so real. Ms. Piggy...Al Capone...Steve...they were real...weren't they? I went into deep thought for a minute, but only for a minute because my thought was broken by my mom calling me "Z! Get ready for some breakfast!" "Alright mom! Be there in 5 minutes!" I called out to her and then started my morning ritual for today.
I rushed downstairs to scarf down breakfast. Mom had the TV on for the news. I never really paid attention to it until this one report came on about a Virtual Reality game that's sweeping through Unova.
"MOM! Can you turn up the volume?" I asked.
"Sure dear." she replied and turned up the volume.
"D-WORLD! That's right you heard it here on PKMN News. A Virtual Reality game that prepares young trainers for their adventure ahead right at home. It was created by a Young Man from the Kanto region who worked on the Famous Professor Oak. His name is Kain, and we just so happen to have Kain here for an Interview over the latest Livecaster, how are you doing Kain?" The news reporter says.
"Not too shabby, Cindy, may I call you Cindy?"
"Sure, now what makes this Virtual Reality game, D-WORLD, so great?" Cindy asked.
"Well Cindy, first it's Virtual Reality, meaning you can literally FEEL the game and become part of it, second it already has a massive online player community.: Kain says.
"Well how does D-WOLRD work?" Cindy asked.
"I was wondering when we would get to that. In D-WORLD you have your own customizable avatar that represent you in the D-WORLD community then you have a team of these Digital Monsters..." Kain says but doesn't get to finish.
"Digital Monsters? What are those?" Cindy asked.
"They are Monsters we created to be similar to our Pokemon but they aren't Pokemon, they have unique codes that allow them to communicate to the Tamer using their language, and instead of a normal Pokemon evolution where you can't go back and can only go forward we have implemented a Digivolution and Degeneration system." Kain says.
"Digivolution? Sounds alot like our Pokemon's Evolution." Cindy says.
"It does doesn't it. Well let me explain how it works. All Digimon have different evolution branches and different stages of evolution. Digivolution allows you to decided how they Evolve. Let's take our most popular Digital Monster Agumon for example. He has 3 different Digivolution Routes and each route only goes up to a certain point. If we take the first route we could evolve or Digivolve him to Greymon his Champion level Digivolution then after that comes Metalgreymon his Ultimate level and finally Wargreymon his Mega Level. His other route he would Digivolve into Geogreymon as a Champion level, Risegreymon his ultimate, and Shinegreymon his Mega." Kain says.
"Why so many "Digivolution" stages and "Digivolution Route"" Cindy asked.
"Well there's only 5 real Digivolution stages. "In-Training, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, Mega", we decided to have this many because a lot of competitive people like to see a lot of evolutions. That's how they know they're Digimon is getting stronger." Kain says.
"What about this Degeneration part?" Cindy asks.
"Well Cindy Degeneration is like a reverse Digivolution, it's there to increase the max level cap on your Digimon and too allow the Tamer to go back and change the Digivolution Route if he or she wanted to." Kain said.
"What other aspects of D-WORLD are there besides this entirely new system of Digivolution?" Cindy asked.
"Well there are many people to battle with, wild Digimon to befriend, and quests to do." Kain answered.
"Well it sure seems like an interesting game, Maybe I'll join in and buy it." Cindy said with a smile.
"Well it's been a pleasure to be here." Kain said
"Pleasure to have you here Kain. Our next story...." The volume on the TV went down.
"Moooooooom?" I said.
"Yes Z?" she said.
"Can I get it? Please? Please? Please?" I begged.
"Who says I haven't already gotten for you as a gift?" She teased.
"YOU DID!?" I said excited.
"Yes, but you'll have to wait until your Birthday for me to give it to you" she snickered.
"B-b-but!" I said.
"No buts or no game!" she said.
"Fiiine!" I groaned.
"Now you'll just have to be a good boy until Sunday then" she said.
"Alright mom." I said.
After that morning the day just got boring. I played with my friends, and we talked about the D-WORLD game. We're all super pumped for it. By the end of this week I will have. I can't wait.
Rule 1: You can only create the FIRST 3 digimon you get 100% of in each area
-No Duplicates
-All must be nicknamed
-If a certain Digimon is required to progress the story, you are allowed to catch it and release it when you're finished using it.
Rule 2: If a Digimon dies it must be deleted/permanently farmed/banked. It's considered erased.
Rule 6:You can only Digivolve or Degenerate Digimon once it reaches it's MAX level cap.
Rule 8:You can only use the codes if the codes are in game. Basically if someone say Alphamon gives you a code for DotAgumon then you can use the code other than that no codes can be used until after you beat the game.
"BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP" the alarm on my clock went off. "HUH!?" I woke up and looked around at everything. I was still in my room. Nothing destroyed no Pokemon partners. I took a look at my clock to see what day it was. That couldn't be right? It's 3 months until I start my Pokemon quest? Was it all just a dream? It was so real. Ms. Piggy...Al Capone...Steve...they were real...weren't they? I went into deep thought for a minute, but only for a minute because my thought was broken by my mom calling me "Z! Get ready for some breakfast!" "Alright mom! Be there in 5 minutes!" I called out to her and then started my morning ritual for today.
I rushed downstairs to scarf down breakfast. Mom had the TV on for the news. I never really paid attention to it until this one report came on about a Virtual Reality game that's sweeping through Unova.
"MOM! Can you turn up the volume?" I asked.
"Sure dear." she replied and turned up the volume.
"D-WORLD! That's right you heard it here on PKMN News. A Virtual Reality game that prepares young trainers for their adventure ahead right at home. It was created by a Young Man from the Kanto region who worked on the Famous Professor Oak. His name is Kain, and we just so happen to have Kain here for an Interview over the latest Livecaster, how are you doing Kain?" The news reporter says.
"Not too shabby, Cindy, may I call you Cindy?"
"Sure, now what makes this Virtual Reality game, D-WORLD, so great?" Cindy asked.
"Well Cindy, first it's Virtual Reality, meaning you can literally FEEL the game and become part of it, second it already has a massive online player community.: Kain says.
"Well how does D-WOLRD work?" Cindy asked.
"I was wondering when we would get to that. In D-WORLD you have your own customizable avatar that represent you in the D-WORLD community then you have a team of these Digital Monsters..." Kain says but doesn't get to finish.
"Digital Monsters? What are those?" Cindy asked.
"They are Monsters we created to be similar to our Pokemon but they aren't Pokemon, they have unique codes that allow them to communicate to the Tamer using their language, and instead of a normal Pokemon evolution where you can't go back and can only go forward we have implemented a Digivolution and Degeneration system." Kain says.
"Digivolution? Sounds alot like our Pokemon's Evolution." Cindy says.
"It does doesn't it. Well let me explain how it works. All Digimon have different evolution branches and different stages of evolution. Digivolution allows you to decided how they Evolve. Let's take our most popular Digital Monster Agumon for example. He has 3 different Digivolution Routes and each route only goes up to a certain point. If we take the first route we could evolve or Digivolve him to Greymon his Champion level Digivolution then after that comes Metalgreymon his Ultimate level and finally Wargreymon his Mega Level. His other route he would Digivolve into Geogreymon as a Champion level, Risegreymon his ultimate, and Shinegreymon his Mega." Kain says.
"Why so many "Digivolution" stages and "Digivolution Route"" Cindy asked.
"Well there's only 5 real Digivolution stages. "In-Training, Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, Mega", we decided to have this many because a lot of competitive people like to see a lot of evolutions. That's how they know they're Digimon is getting stronger." Kain says.
"What about this Degeneration part?" Cindy asks.
"Well Cindy Degeneration is like a reverse Digivolution, it's there to increase the max level cap on your Digimon and too allow the Tamer to go back and change the Digivolution Route if he or she wanted to." Kain said.
"What other aspects of D-WORLD are there besides this entirely new system of Digivolution?" Cindy asked.
"Well there are many people to battle with, wild Digimon to befriend, and quests to do." Kain answered.
"Well it sure seems like an interesting game, Maybe I'll join in and buy it." Cindy said with a smile.
"Well it's been a pleasure to be here." Kain said
"Pleasure to have you here Kain. Our next story...." The volume on the TV went down.
"Moooooooom?" I said.
"Yes Z?" she said.
"Can I get it? Please? Please? Please?" I begged.
"Who says I haven't already gotten for you as a gift?" She teased.
"YOU DID!?" I said excited.
"Yes, but you'll have to wait until your Birthday for me to give it to you" she snickered.
"B-b-but!" I said.
"No buts or no game!" she said.
"Fiiine!" I groaned.
"Now you'll just have to be a good boy until Sunday then" she said.
"Alright mom." I said.
After that morning the day just got boring. I played with my friends, and we talked about the D-WORLD game. We're all super pumped for it. By the end of this week I will have. I can't wait.