Gather around the fire young and old alike. I have tale of hatred turned kind.

Rose,was her name,kind she was but that was after hatred claimed her along with her kindness. You may wonder how this beautiful flower once was ugly inside that I shall tell to all of you. Rose once lived as a selfish queen whom her subjects were displease to have. She always called her loyal subjects her friends,not true you see, and those who were not loyal were beneath who she cared for. She always picked favourites. She gave food to those loyal and whip lashings who were not. You may wonder where her kindness was. It was hidden deep,deep inside but not gone. She met a young boy who showed much kindness by giving her a Apple,she does not like apples you must know. As Rose took the Apple she threw on the ground and crushed it! She called her guards to throw the sweet boy in the duegons because of the simple apple. He looked upon her with a sad,sweet smile on his face. Something inside of must have melted the ice on her heart. Though she was still cold to her subjects,it was not as bad,she seemed to care more. She told her guards to stop the whip lashings and release the boy. No one understood what made her change her stripes but they knew it was good. She was turned good by the sweet boy who smiled at her even though pain.