name: Luna Hinamori
Age: 16 (1600000)
race: Vampire
personality: quiet, cold
appearence: User Image
Bio: Oldest of all her siblings and heir to the throne of vampire kingdom

Names: Hannon and Kannon Hinamori
Ages: 15 (150000)
Races: Kannon: vampire Hannon: angels
personalitys: Kannon: sneaky, outgoing. Hannon: outgoing, nice, sometimes scary
appearences: User Image one closest to left is Hannon, other is Kannon.
Bio: These two twins are nothing alike, but still love each other. Kannon is protective of Hannon very much, and scares off any boy who likes her. Hannon used to be really scary like Kannon but changed when they were 12

Name: Karin Hinamori
age: 12 (12000)
race: vampire witch
Personality: childish, outgoing
appearence: User Image
Bio: Karin looks very young for her age, and is always mistaken for a 4th grader. Karin loves luna very much and hurts anyone who hurts her. even tho Luna says she hates it, she's quite flattered. Karin was bullied cause of her hair and was always saved by Luna. her hair color is the same as her aunts.