Welcome to the guild, newcomers! I am Necro, as you may know if you looked into the topic titled, "Introductions," but that does not matter. My concern is making the people of this website better at writing and making them excel in the literary arts.

To a basic story, sometimes called a Five Paragraph Essay, there are three kinds of paragraphs: An introduction, a body paragraph, and a conclusion. This lesson in writing will focus mainly on getting a good idea at how to easily pre-write three body paragraphs using an Outline format.

For those of you who pre-write often, you probably know what a web is. Basically you are connecting bubbles with ideas that all tie back to the main idea. an Outline is the same concept, but is a lot easier to use for people who absolutely love organization and order. Here is an example(note: [indentation] is the equivilant to the tab key for indenting].

[indentation x2]1.
[indentation x2]2.
[indentation x3]a.
[indentation x3]b.
[indentation x2]3.
[indentation x2]1.
[indentation x2]2.

Using the tab keys as the indentations, you weigh the importance of each idea. Say this was a five paragraph essay. The roman numeral of 1(I) would be the main idea. A would represent the first body paragraph as 1, 2, and 3 would represent supporting details, as 2a and 2b would represent elaboration that backs up the supporting details. This is like using a web, but in order and in an easy to understand format. All you have to do if fill in the blanks!

Tip: Always, in a five paragraph essay, follow the 2 3 1 format. Basically, take your different subtopics and decide which one is the most interesting, the least interesting, and the middle ground. The middle ground paragraph comes first, the paragraph not as interesting comes, second, and the most interesting paragraph comes last. A good way to pull the reader in and leave them craving more.