So... I've had a bad high school experience. From an amazing early college school (had to leave due to depression affecting my grades) to no school at all to college courses to where I am now, which is to say, the land of being unsure.

It's my senior year; I basically have two choices for school. We'll call them G and N. G is a large public high school. N is a very small private school.

I don't know which one I would rather be at. Quite honestly, I wish I could skip senior year and go straight to college, but alas it doesn't work that way.

I'm not asking for you guys to choose for me, just for some opinions so I can maybe make my decision. I need them soon though; school at G starts next Thursday, N next Wednesday.

Posting pros and cons for each. Public school will be G, private will be N.

``I know people-- this is very important to me because right now I'm afraid of everyone and I want to cry like every second because I don't have anyone to talk to. Someone I know is a start.
``More course variety
``Electives are an actual class period
``Special days on Wednesdays with short classes
``Can leave campus for lunch
``Close to home

``Huge. Lots of people
``I'm claustrophobic
``Lots of buildings I don't know where they are, classes spread throughout them
``Large campus means very little time to get to classes
``Impersonal classes; teachers will know nothing about me
``Chances are I won't find a group to fit in with, especially senior year
``No classes with the two people I know anyways

``Small, both class-wise and campus-wise
``Community oriented; everyone knows everyone
``Could quite possibly take Japanese at the college still -- a major pro, like knowing people at G.
``Two electives every Wednesday in place of normal classes(made up on Fridays)
``Electives like a cooking class
``Fridays you get out early; 1:45.
``Mandatory service learning every Friday along with the classes missed on Wednesday; I need service learning and this forces me to not put it off
``Close-knit, even with faculty
``VERY close to the school my closest friends go to; unsure if I can leave campus for lunch though

``Might be TOO personal for me; I need a balance somewhere between huge crowds of people who don't know who I am and tiny groups of people who want to know everything about me
``Afraid of being smothered; going through a really bad trust issue moment where people terrify me
``Don't know anyone
``Schedules aren't "regular," i.e. the electives on Wednesday and short Fridays, along with the potential for college classes in the schedule
``Religious based school; Quakers (not overly zealous, but they have worship things some mornings from what I gathered). I'm an atheist.
``Far from home; wondering how I'd get to/from the college campus in the middle of the day.
``Doubt I'd make friends; I just had a bad moment with my best friend, and I distrust people as a whole now. I'm afraid to let anyone remotely close to me at the moment.

Opinions please? ): I'm rather desperate right now.