Hello, i am currently questing Zorya Polunochnay. Reason for questing this Item is too finish my Outfit, My total amount of Gaia Gold is currently in the 40k mark. Donations & that specific item well surely Help complete my Quest <3.

Item: Zorya Polunochnaya is at an original 450k & lowest of a 350k Profit. Due to this Item It's rate can grow at any point and time! For the fact it is a "Double rainbow" Chance item It has not yet been long enough to consume a "Growth/Rate Chart" in the Market place.

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If you do wish to check the Market place i will set a link to the exact page & Item:http://www.gaiaonline.com/marketplace/itemdetail/73339

!@#$&#xHe;lping Hands!@#$%
