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Name: Tsuno "Black Cat" Takashi

Age: 18

Race: Human (Urban-Ninja)

Personality: Tsuno is a Kind/Gentle Spirited-Person. He's always there when they need a hand. At most times, he's just lazy and likes to sleep up in trees, or even when he's eating it's hard for him to let go of that sweet-tooth he has.

Bio: Abonded by the Karusuchi-Clan, he has been wandering the world in search of a Master. Wanting to learn the way of the Karusuchi-Ninja Skills, he has been living among the regulars as they suspect nothing of him. In time he only lives in an Apartment with his pet, Shadow, a small black-kitten. Although those 2 haven't had much time together Tsuno is always aware of what may happen to him ni his new home-world.

Powers/Abilities: (various) Ninja Skills, Carrying a few Shurikens, and is always with Shadow on his head.