This is the decklist of the cards I have in my deck right now. My biggest downfall is that I don't have the Synchro monsters required to make this deck function the way I would like it to. I've marked the cards in the Extra Deck I think I would need, but don't have, in red.

-Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth (x2)
-Oyster Meister (x2)
-Fishborg Blaster (x2)
-Royal Swamp Eel (x2)
-Unshaven Angler (x2)
-7 Colored Fish (x3)
-Golden Flying Fish (x2)
-Metabo Shark
-Level Eater
-Treeborn Frog
-Aqua Spirit

Spell Cards:
-Mausoleum of the Emperor (x2)
-Moray of Greed (x2)
-Foolish Burial
-Dark Hole
-Swords of Revealing Light
-Water Hazard
-Giant Trunade
-Golden Sarcophagus
-Monster Reborn
-Big Wave Small Wave
-Enemy Controller
-Lightning Vortex

Trap Cards:
-Scrap-Iron Scarecrow (x2)
-Call of the Haunted
-Bottomless Trap Hole
-Mirror Force
-Torrential Tribute
-Trap Stun

Extra Deck:
-Stardust Dragon (x2)
-Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
-Formula Synchron (x2)
-T.G. Hyper Librarian
-Dewloren, King Tiger of the Ice Barrier
-Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

There is probably more that would need to be added to the Extra Deck aside from what I already posted, but most of it wouldn't need to be mentioned.

So kindly offer your advice and let me know what needs to be taken out or put into the deck based on your opinion. Also, I'd like to keep this civil so please keep your comments aimed at the decklist and not each other.