So, yeah. I'm a former wrestler with broad shoulders and large biceps. Possibly these will start to shrink since I've stopped my intense training, but it hasn't happened yet and I don't think it will soon. Now, if I simply looked like a man I'd get some mens clothing in smaller sizes and all would be fine. (This has been my strategy so far). But oddly enough I have an hourglass figure. Which leaves me with no idea what to do. Any sort of top I have to get my shoulders and arms into either balloons around my waist or looks foolishly stretched across my upper body. Yes I know that sleeveless is my friend (my other strategy). But this just leaves me with extremes: either extremely casual t-shirts, very sexy tube tops, halters, and spaghetti straps, or far too many tank tops. I feel silly switching between styles without anything more transitional. Shorts and pants are even worse, since I've never figured out how to make women's leg-wear work for me. What can I get that would flatter my figure without getting stretched out by my shoulders?