So… have any of you had any dreams related to Death Note in any way?
I just recently had one… And it was weird. First in my dream (this particular part is not related to Death Note) apparently my mom decided to adopt a little boy from Asia who was like five or six. I went out on a walk with him and packed a snack for us to eat on the way, they were cookies. I gave him one but he threw it on the ground. A bunch of crows came and attacked the cookie, one ate it, and they started attacking the kid and me because they wanted more. We ran into a building to get away from the crows and ended up in task force headquarters somehow. The kid that was with me before was suddenly gone and I was there with the Japanese police task force, L, Mello, and Near. Somewhere in my dream Mello punched Near but I don’t remember when… Also somewhere Mello told me that if I converted to Christianity I wouldn’t have as many problems. I told him I was an atheist and apparently that made him mad so he left. I decided that apparently I had done something wrong and I should go apologize (which probably wouldn’t happen in a real life situation like that) so I got in a really weird minivan (even though Near and L told me I was needed at the task force… which was weird because the only reason I ever ended up there was because I got attacked by crows, so I don’t know why I would’ve been needed) and drove to wherever Mello was… Even though I can’t drive and I didn’t know previously where he was going O.o … And apparently I had a heart shaped box of Valentine’s Day chocolates with me the whole time (yeah I really don’t know… =.=). So I decided to give it to him. But on the way there I decided to eat just one and, since I’ve never practiced self restraint with chocolate, I ended up eating the entire box. So by the time I made it to where Mello was it kinda became one of those “I made you a cookie but I eated it” situations. I gave him the empty box and he was mad O_____O Then I woke up.

That was a long post...