The wendigo is a creature that haunts people traveling over Native American lands, or so I've heard. Here is a story I have read about before (i do not know their names, but I will use Kevin for one.):

The man went up to a man who wore skins, and asked if he could take him through the mountains. He offered a good amount of gold and the man in skins accepted, for he knew the way well. Around nightfall, they set up camp. The man in skins in a tent far away, and Kevin (the first man) around the fire. During the middle of the night, he thought he heard his name.
He ignored it. About an hour later, he heard it again, just louder. And it went on until he could no longer ignore it. He tried to ignore it, but he couldn't so he layed there, begining to feel fear. Then his tent flaps opened and in came the freezing wind. He was so scared he got out of the tent and began to run away when he was taken aloft and began to scream. The man in skins could not hear him, for he was too far away. He was getting hotter, starting to burn up from the speed of the wind (wendigo, but he doesn't know it). He was screaming this, then, "My feet! My Burning Feet Of Fire!" He repeated this, louder each time, burning more each time, getting farther away each time. He disappeared. The man in skins woke up the next morning and went to the campfire. He saw no sign of Kevin. He searched, and then he saw a clue. He saw footprints, getting longer every few feet. Some ended up being as long as a whale. There was steam in the air and a few mall fires over fallen leaves and twigs. The man in skins followed the trails but never found Kevin again. He decided to go back to the camp, take the mans riches and clothes (he changed out of his skins) and went back to his village. He saw a strange man in skins, just like his old ones. He went over to the man, and what he found was Kevin. All his skin burned off and burn marks on his skeleton. Kevin was dressed in the man's ditched skins. Kevin was dead, and was left with the marks of the Wendigo.

So how did you like it? Some people say the Wendigo is a giant banshee, a creature of screeches and ghostly forms. Some say it has antlers and takes on and absorbs its prey's bodies. Some think it's a giant wolf.

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