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I was lonely for so long. . .

I just couldn't bear it anymore.


I have a bit of a story to tell.

In September 2010, my Gaia fiancee had to go offline because his laptop crashed. He has an irl friend, who's also my friend on here. He's got a laptop with a fingerprint indicator, so my fiancee couldn't use it. Pretty soon afterwards, our friend got hacked. There was another friend, who delivered my messages to Joshua, and his to me. From that friend, I learned that Joshua had gotten grounded for getting a B on his report card. I was distressed, but I was planning on him coming back in about a week, or two. So I waited. I asked that friend again, and he said that Josh was unable to come online.

So I waited, giving and taking messages through our friend. Until I heard about the earthquake and tsunami. The first thing I thought about was Joshua, Sho (our friend) and Sebastian (our messenger). I went on Gaia and found Sebastian online, and asked him about Josh. He said that he'd called him, and that he's fine. He also said that he was pretty sure Sho's alright, too. He told me that Joshua was scheduled to return on Sunday 13th March, 2011. When that day came, I had the outfit I have on now (Love Wrapped, Love Doves etc.) He didn't come back. I asked Sebastian and he said that he'd left Japan for safety. The next morning, I got on my gmail, and saw something that made my heart soar. 'Yoshiya Kiryu of Shibuya has sent you a PM'. I quickly got on Gaia, and he sent me a message explaining his absence.

But does anyone know why I believe Joshua, Sebastian and possibly Sho are safe? Because everyone's praying for Japan. I'm praying for them, and I'm sure everyone else is. So thank you all for your lovely prayers, and thank you all for reading this.