Welcome, welcome! If you're new and lost, here are some steps you can follow to start becoming a member of the Gaian Loser community!

1. Introduce yourself in the Intro thread. Check back to this thread often to see if anyone joins with similar interests to you!

2. Get a weight loss tracker. You know... those little progress checkers that go in your signature. They help keep you on track and show your progress off!

3. Start a food/exercise journal. These things seriously help with weight loss. Knowing you have to write down everything you eat can really keep you from those extra cookies! Also, don't hesitate to browse through other peoples' journals, and maybe even leave some words of support and encouragement.

4. Check out the main forum! I know, this is the obvious one, but it just didn't feel right to leave it out. Pretty much anything weight-loss-related can be posted here. We aren't too active of a guild, so don't be shy! Even low-discussion topics are welcome. Necromancing threads is also encouraged!

That's all I can think of for now, but if anyone has any suggestions on what else to add, feel free to post them here.