-I know the sub forms are a little knew. Some people will make the m istake of posting an ooc or two in the Yuri forum, its understandable because you want their attention and where else would it be, but in the Forum your concerned about. But if it become irrelevent or longer than it should, take it straight to OOC frum please.

-Also Please check the subforms every so often, cause i know I posted and no response, so that makes me sad, I'm sure you'd be sad to. So be sure to explore everywhere on a daily bases, who knows what forums might pop up =3

-Just as a reminder in case anyone has forgotten, I, 8xcheshirex8 am the owner and creator or this role-playing Guild. So don't go questioning me, I'll post whever I damn well please. Not to sound rude, but after all, my role-play Guild. But I will follow the rules because they're my rules. And I don't want to seem unfair, just know I have that power >.>

-Strawberry Yumi has been a wonderful help to me as of late. She has helped me, a newbie to the Guilding feild, form this into what it is today. So give her thanks and respect her as you would me!