Username:Grand Knight Mare
Name:Crimson Knight
Hair Color:Brown
Eye Color:Blue
Personality:Kind and silent
Appearance:Wears a skinny black cloak with a hood to cover his face. When he's in his true form his skin becomes pale,he grows bat wings,he has claws, and his eyes turn blood red
Weapons:Sythe and two semi-automatic Desert Eagles
Powers:The power to control lightning and darkness
Bio:Knigth was born into a vampire family. He had a perfect childhood though his family lived in secret. Then one day a vampire hunter barged into his house and murdered his parents. As the hunter closed in to kill him a bolt of lightning shot out of his hand and burned the hunter. Knight took the black cloak the hunter was wearing and wore it as a memory of that night.Since then he has never spoken a word not even a whisper. Then he met Yakaburo, she asked him if he wanted to be a spirit decetive and he agreed.Since then he has protected the world from any harm.
Other:Knight gives his opponant no mercy,if he sees you as a threat to the peace of the world he will kill you.......slowly and painfuly.Knight gave himself the alias Crimson Knight, he has forgotten his real name.The Crimson stands for his parents' blood that was spilled and the Knight,to him, stands for protector of peace.Learn how to speak telepathicly.If he speaks one word he will transform into his true form and go on a rampage
Parents biggrin eceased
Theme Song:You must fight-Five Finger Death Punch