Please ask all non-discussion questions here.

ex: "How do I draw eyes?"

Ask this kind of question here.

ex: "I keep burning the sculpy when I bake it. What am I doing wrong?"

Ask this question here.

ex: "Where can I find a tutorial on hands?"

Check the the tutorial thread first. Chances are, there is already one posted, but if there isn't ask away.

ex: "Can someone explain the Rule of Thirds."

Ask this here.

ex: "I'm going to explain the rule of thirds."

This should be posted in the main forum as a discussion. People can ask questions and get answers. The point is, if your thread doesn't have some kind of information, or pose a question that doesn't give way to open discussion, then it shouldn't be in the discussion forum.

If you're not asking a question or posting an answer to a question, it's spam. And you know how we feel about spam.

Let's all make an effort to check this subforum daily to help each other out.