(this is a temporary post, until we get a REAL rules post up)

1. Unless otherwise noted, we don't fund every single giveaway we see. that means that you cannot assume that if you hold will be funded by this guild. if you're holding a giveaway, only use the gold that you have. If you have 4k, then say you're giving away 100k, and don't end up giving away the 100k, then your thread will be locked, because this is against the rules.

2. Do not beg for donations in this thread. please don't go up to some random giveaway, post "PLEASE GIVE ME __________", then leave, unless the owner of that thread tells you it's okay. if you'd like to beg, either go to the ranting forum, or the questing forum. begging will not be tolerated. especially by me.

3. Don't give impossible contests. When i say 'impossible', i mean LITERALLY impossible. that means that if you say 'roll 10-10 dice, and if you get 5, you get 1M gold, you will receive a warning from me or another mod. this is impossible. it's okay if you didn't realize it; the first time is fine. try to make sure what you're making them to is actually possible. a 10 would be highly improbable, but it's still possible, etc.

4. DO NOT RELY ON DONATIONS FOR GIVEAWAYS. "I'm giving away 5M but i only have 1M so donate plz!" will not be tolerated. DO NOT GIVE AWAY WHAT YOU DON'T HAVE. if you have 1M, then you can give away up to 1M... nothing more.

follow and abide by these rules, and have a good day c;