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~ Edo's and Aru's Rp box ~

This is a sub forum for our rp purposes so we can start rping again :'D its better for us to rp on a forum so we can rp and save them while we are at it Cx

D; this is more for your eyes then joining in, unless we say so, im sorry > ^ < We'd like to have a little control over our rps. If we need a few people for some parts, then we'll tell you, but it mite not be certain because we are able to rp more then one person

Dx i feel like a butt for saying its an rp for just Edo and I but it is D:

And we know the Rating is PG-13, But I've looked over the rules of pg-13 and i know how far we can go, So there will be fanservice :'D so thats a plus that could make up for you guys not joining in.

<3 there is the other rp fourm too, i participate there as well :3 so im not just in this one.

<3 thanks for reading~