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PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:49 pm
    Hello everyone!
    Thank you for visiting my plot thread. Below, you will find the soquili avilable for rping with.
    I have some plots in mind for particular soquili and others I'm drawing a blank. If you see a soquili that would fit into any idea you might have or into one of your own plots, throw that idea my way and I will be more than happy to hear what you have in mind :]

    Progress: Open!
PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:58 pm

{just some things I'd like to address.}

01. Please be respectful.
02. Please note that real life comes first which I'm sure you can well relate so I may be slow when replying to our rp. Also my muse hasn't been in its tip top condition- but I will not allow that from stopping me from rping with you! Also! I am willing to do background plotting if you would feel more comfortable when it comes to certain situations.
03. As noted before, if you find a soquili of mine that would fit into a plot that you have in mind or would like to tweak my idea around, feel free to throw your idea out there! I'm more than happy to hear what you have in mind. {I mention this a lot. rofl}
04. If you’re interested, you can either contact me via this thread or Pm.
05. If at any time the rp becomes boring or if it seems to be going nowhere, we can end it early. I only ask of you that please do not abandon the rp all together without me knowing! Just tell me and it'll be all good; no feelings will be hurt :]
06. Thanks and I'm looking forward to rping with you soon!



PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:54 pm

The loud mouthed tomboy.

    User Image
    Basket / Foal
    Name: Vienna
    Gender: Female
    Breed: 2nd Gen. Horse Breed
    Obtained: Breeding gift from Peep & Lady Kiya
    Parents: Lullaby x Cualtzin
    Siblings: Kalfyra & Berceuse
    Sexual Orientation: At this point and time, Vienna is trying to figure out who she really is.
    Mate: None
    Offspring: None; still too young.
    Breeding slots: She is still too young to breed though I wouldn't mind starting to look for someone in the future for her. :]
    .:.Breeding One: Elijah [insert link here]
    .:.Breeding Two: Taken? [still working out some details]
    .:.Breeding Three: Open

    Vienna is very much of a tomboy. Not afraid to get her coat and mane dirty, this little girl loves to rough house. She is a loud and sometimes a rude foal that just wants to have fun! Because of her rough housing and boisterous ways, Vienna felt like the black sheep of the family, as though she were misplaced. Her mother was quiet, shy, and sometimes withdrawn. Her father was almost the same and so it seemed as though her other two siblings were taking after her parents as well; her brother being a little goody two shoes who didn't enjoy her rough housing ways and her sister was just as bad. When it came to hearing her mother sing them lullabies which Vienna found boring, she wanted to play, scream, run and just rough house like the other foals; in her eyes, she felt sheltered because of her parents but in reality, it was far from it. Vienna did not like the environment she was growing up in so she decided to leave for good.
    {once I start rping her more and she grows into adulthood rp wise, she will become more of a mature mare; ditching some of her childish ways- or at least try to anyway- though will remain true to herself in the aspect that she will still be loud, will still like to get her pretty hair dirty and play rough with others, and just overall having a good time whenever she can.}

    *falm palm* I had other ideas in mind but I just can't think of them. Maybe I should have written them down xD. I'll add them in when they come back to me.. ANYWAY! Do you have a plot or idea that Vienna would fit into? Go ahead and throw the idea in my direction. I'd love to hear what you had in mind! heart

    Foal Plot Ideas:

    A little bit of guidance:
    No matter how much Vienna wants to admit it, living on her own is hard work. Sure, she pretends she knows what the world around her has to offer and how to take care of herself on her own but in reality, she is completely naive and clueless. Perhaps she can run into an older soquili that offers to take her under their hoof; as though giving her a little bit of guidance and steer her in the right direction on how to live her life- whatever that might be in the older soquili's believes. Perhaps they could 'adopt' her in a sense and raise her until she grows up; having them be alright in letting her go when the time comes- [of course Vienna will not forget about them. They would be a second family to her!] Perhaps this can be one of the lessons in life she will learn that it was a bad idea for her to have ran away from home at such a young age and that she should have appreciated her parents more and appreciate what she had in front of her that she was too blind and careless to see.

    Rough housing buddies!:
    I would like Vienna to meet some friends, males and females, that she can just rough house with! Of course, these friends can be more than just roughhousers to her, in the sense that they can also go on adventures with her and whatever it is foals to! {Generally, I suppose I'm just looking for friends for her lol}

    Dancing with Danger:
    Seeing as she is just a mere foal, Vienna believes that the world is made up of rainbows and sunshine. Clearly this is not true. I would like her to have a run in with a predator, whether be skinwalker or kalona [they too can either be foals or adults], that can show her the more darker side to life; or perhaps even give her a glimpse of such darker parts of life. They can introduce her to death and that not every soquili she will encounter will be nice to her. Of course, I am not looking for Vienna to be maimed or hurt in any way but just to give her a heads up that the world isn't what she seemed it to be. Perhaps even changing her view and opening her eyes all together.

    Moar Foal Rp:
    Right now I ran out of ideas XD. So if you have anything you want to throw my way, by all means go ahead. I would like to rp Vienna as a foal more only to develop her personality and get an idea as to how I am going to make her. I was meaning to rp her out and get her situated before she reached adulthood but I got lazy. Anyway so yeah, got any ideas for foal Vienna? - of course I'll add more if my mind comes up with any. Again throw my way. Thanks :]

    Adult Plots:

    Idea I:
    Now that she is all grown up, I want something to happen to Vienna. What exactly? Well I'm not sure. I want an event to happen that can bring her into adulthood with a life lesson that will essentially make her a more mature adult. This idea was something sort of based off of the game "The Path," which is essentially a game based off of little red riding hood which a dark and meaningful twist. It's about six young girls who break the one rule which is staying on the path to grandma's house. They veer off the path and go into the forest where they meet their 'wolf' who is essentially a person or thing in their life that influences them and after certain events have occurred has made the young girls more mature; such events in the end leading to the girl's deaths. {but death is certainly something I do not want happening to my girl!} *Just a little background of what that game is all about in case you were wondering and you if you need further explanation, you can always look it up. Perhaps it can be that Vienna finds her own 'wolf' and as far as what sort of event that leads her to finding her 'wolf,' well that's still up in the air;this event can perhaps be something traumatic or what not. Honestly, this idea is very vague, yes, and we can go into much further detail about what actually happens when we brainstorm something up- sort of like a collaboration of a plot idea {if that makes any sense} Perhaps this can sort of tie into the 'Dancing with Danger' idea and go further. I'm not sure where I'm heading with an idea such as this but again, further details will be explained later on. This can also tie into an idea that you may have in mind and would work best in this situation. Hm, well lets just see what happens as we go along.
    *Note: For this rp/idea, I was thinking that perhaps three different things by three different soquili can happen to Vienna that helps her mature and grow up. Again, I suppose it depends on how much interest I get for this idea, I will settle for one event to happen.

    Searching for that someone:
    Vienna is at that point in her life where she is starting to question who and what she truly is. She is confused when it comes to love and isn't sure what she really wants in life. Of course seeing how she hung out with boys more and she feels as though she is one of them, she doesn't mind flirting with other females. Of course, there are also some boys in her life that over the years she seemed to have a crush on so she wouldn't mind flirting with males either. I would like Vienna to meet someone, be it male or female, that could possibly help her out with her situation; someone that could allow Vienna to open up to herself and help her with figuring out who she really is. Someone that could perhaps win her heart; someone she wouldn't mind flirting with whether it be in a playful manner or something serious. I would eventually like her to settle down with someone so I suppose this is the best way to start. Even if she does not find that right soquili in her life and doesn't settle down, she would be more than happy to be a surrogate to one of her friends if the opportunity sprung up- be it for a same sex couple or for another couple, that, for whatever reason can no longer breed with one another. Now what is she looking for exactly in a lover? Well just about anything really! Perhaps it could be someone that knows what she is going through and could help her with dealing it the way they did. Perhaps it is someone more obnoxious as she is. Perhaps it could be a soquili completely opposite of her personality wise. Perhaps they could be a bad soquili that could bring the wild side of her out. I'm open to just about any soquili that is thrown her way seeing how I'm not even sure what she's looking for so I suppose testing them out and seeing how compatible they are together is the best way to find out!
    *Note: For this rp/idea, I would like her to encounter the potential Soquili numerous time on numerous and sporadic occasions. I do not want this to be an instant fall in love type of deal rather something that progresses over time. If you are interested though do not have the time to rp, I will indeed do background plotting {a lot of it in that case] though it would have to be if you would really like to commit with this idea.

    Any Ideas?:
    Right now, I'm drawing a blank as far as adult plots go, aside from the two lame ones that came out of my head xD. Anyway, if you have any ideas feel free to share them! <3
PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 4:00 pm

The Gentleman.

    User Image
    Basket / Foal
    Name: Atreyu
    Gender: Male
    Breed: 1st gen. regular
    Obtained: CYO Plush turned soquili
    Parents: Unknown
    Siblings: Unknown
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Mate: none
    Offspring: none
    Breeding Slots:
    .:.Breeding One: Open
    .:.Breeding Two: Open
    .:.Breeding Three: Open

    Atryeu is quite the gentleman. He is a charming and courteous soquili that would most definitely be the kind of stallion you would want to take home to meet your 'mommy.' He holds a high respect for mares in the fact that he treats them like princesses and will do anything to please them. He can become very possessive and protective over some mares that he feels a connection with and will make sure that no other stallion will come near them. Because of his possessive and overly protective ways, he feels as though other stallions are a threat and is not very fond of them; thus, it is very rare of him to have any male friends. The only stallions he doesn't seem to have a problem being around are ones that seem to not be a threat to him, ones that he can tell right off the bat will not get any ideas on stealing a mare away from him because they seem to be weak to him.

    Adult Plots:

    -Why hello there ladies:
    Basically, I would like Atreyu to meet a lot of lady friends xD. That's about it. Whether it be a meet and greet type of deal or they do something together-like get into some mischief or something like that- Atreyu just wants to meet some friends.

    -I'll be your Prince:
    A romantic type plot. I would like Atreyu to meet a mare that perhaps is in trouble or needs some cheering up. That way, he could use his charm and sweep her off of her feet xD.

    More Plots:
    As you can see, I really have nothing good going on for Atreyu. Do you have any ideas in mind? I'd love to hear them!



PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:43 pm

The Petite Daydreamer
    User Image

    Basket / Foal
    Name: Delilah
    Gender: Female
    Breed: Usdia
    Obtained: Halloween 2010 Flaffle
    Parents: Unknown
    Siblings: Unknown
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Mate: none
    Offspring: none
    Breeding Slots:
    .:.Breeding One: Open
    .:.Breeding Two: Open
    .:.Breeding Three: Open

    Delilah is a fun, whimsical little creature that often does a lot of daydreaming. She loves to make up stories that just pop into her head and share them with whomever she meets and would like to hear them. It appears that Delilah also finds herself slipping into her own whimsical dreamland whenever times are getting tough in her life, leaving her to be oblivious as to the true nature of what is happening around her; perhaps it has to do with the fact that as a foal, Delilah was shunned and picked on by the other foals in her herd because they considered her to be strange and they wanted nothing to do with her which allowed her to create her own dreamland where everyone accepted her for who she was. For Delilah, it allows her to take control of a situation in the way that she wants the outcome to be opposed to the otherwise uncontrollable situation. It has even gotten to the point where Delilah actually believes in her own stories.
    Because of this, Delilah feels as though she is once her former self trapped into a usdia's body. She believes that she was once a beautiful winged soquili with large elegant wings and a long silky mane. Tragically, her life was cut short and she died. Although she lived a short life, the horse gods watched over her and saw the good and smiles that she brought to everyone else's lives so they granted her the chance to come back to earth though in a different form; to continue on with her good deeds and live her life to the fullest until the time would come when she could rest peacefully. While Delilah agreed to the god's offer, she didn't expect to come back as a usdia though that did not stop her from continuing on with her life; she even went as far as trying to reconnect with the soquili she once was by dressing herself up with cardboard wings and even added a extra touch of the halo- or at least that's what she wants others to believe. In all truth, the children that live in a local tribe that Delilah visits every so often had made her the wings and halo for her as a costume just to get her into the Halloween spirit. Sounds like a crazy story right? Well, that's what you will hear when a soquili will first meet her.

    Adult Plots:

    Wanna hear a story?:
    Delilah is a foal at heart. I would like her to meet other usdias, soquili, and perhaps even foals that she could share the stories she makes up with! The soquili she meets could either be just story listeners, end up being her friend or even both!

    Snap out of it!:
    I would like Delilah to come across a soquili- preferably a friend of hers that she meets- who is sick and tired of all of Delilah's ridiculous stories. Perhaps they liked hearing them at first but then after a while, they started to get out. I would like this soquili to try and snap Delilah of her dreamland and back into reality.

    Looking for my one true Love:
    I would like Delilah to meet a stallion that perhaps has the same imagination as she does. Perhaps there could be a scenario in which Delilah finds herself and trouble and the potential stallions comes to the rescue; and they live happily ever after? Or perhaps that's what she wants to happen and imagines opposed to what actually happens. As to what? Hm, well I'm not sure >_>- we can think of that when the time comes. Something along the above lines is what I'm going for.

    More Plots?- because right now this is all I have for her xD
    Got anything in mind? Got a plot or idea you think Delilah would work best for? Then throw that idea my way! I'd love to hear what you have in mind.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:33 am
For furture soquili that I can put here.



PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:35 am
For good measure.
PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:36 am
And we are Open!
Yay! You can post now :].


Phail Ninja
Vice Captain

Man-Hungry Sex Symbol

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:07 pm
I'd like to throw Sakura out for a couple of plots ^.^

User Image

Sakura is a very patient, kind and motherly mare. Though young, she grew up raising all of her siblings practically alone. As a result, she has a particular fondness for foals and often misses their carefree ways and just their general company. She is open and friendly, she will strike up conversation with any old stranger. Though she isn't as adventurous as some, a playful foal could coax her out of her shell and encourage her to explore a little more.

I'd like to offer her up for Vienna's "A little bit of guidance" plot ^.^ Sakura loves foals and has been looking to adopt one. Though she has no children of her own, she greatly wants some and so would be more than grateful to take care of Vienna. I would be willing to do as many RPs as you want between them xP (Or we could just try them out, see how they bond if you want ^.^)

I'd also like to throw her into a meet and great with Atreyu xD He could tempt her to be a little more reckless, if only for a brief while.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:07 pm
    Okay so I suck xD I'm sorry. Life got the best of me I have'nt been on the computer as much. Anyway..

    First of all, she is very pretty :] For Vienna, I think they would get along just fine; I don't see why not. I'm sure at time, Vienna will be hard headed and stubborn to the point that she will make Sakura rethink about having kids xD {or at least try to}, but that's just how she is. I wouldn't mind if we rped them together a few times together. The first being the initial meeting of the two and later on, Sakura could teach Vienna somethings. But we can talk about that later :]

    Also as for Atreyu, I'm fine with them just meeting each other :] I think he'll shower her with compliments, affection {perhaps even to the point where it becomes creepy xD}, and just swoon over her ability to fly xD Yeah, I think they will get along just great.



PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:45 pm
    -little tiny bump- ninja
PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:23 am
Yay xD Both sound good!

Sorry I took so long to respond, RL went crazy for a bit. Would you like to start the RPs or shall I? xd

Phail Ninja
Vice Captain

Man-Hungry Sex Symbol

Roarie Desu

Kindly Gifter

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:25 pm
Play with Hototo in some way?

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 11:32 am
I have a few soquili who could help out with your plots.

1. I'm not sure if you already found someone or not, you may have, but I can help Vienna with some guidance.

User Image

Kaiya, my Angeni of Redemption, is a notorious adopter. She has adopted two foals already, and has a biological son herself. They're all grown though, and living their own lives. She would have no trouble giving advice and being supportive of your girl, or even keeping an eye on her and helping shape her future. If you've already found a mother figure for her, than general friendship is great too. She'd be a good mentor regardless, and does enjoy meeting foals.

User Image

Keiran is a new kalona of mine, and doesn't have much RP. I wouldn't mind doing some backdated RP when he's still a foal (since he only had one RP when he was young) and he could certainly teach her a lesson about the crueler sides of life. He wouldn't kill her, but he could bully and even rough her up a bit. He himself isn't a needless killer, he learned better from his mother, but he isn't one that should be crossed lightly.

He'd think her stupid and would try to show her that she A. should fear kalona and B. she shouldn't be so stupid as to actually let others get so close or think the world is made of rainbows. Like I said, he's not a mindless murderer, but he has no trouble getting in fights or renewing fear in to others.

Last but not least . . .

User Image

He is still very young as well. Like Keiran, he had about 1 RP when he was a foal, so I'd be open to having him be a fun friend or something. As both an adult and foal, he's an adventure sort. He wants to get treasure and wants to go see the world. He could use some friends or people to have known when he was a younger age, and think he could get along with Vienna easily.

So. Yeah. :3 I don't mind slow RP as I tend to only RP on the weekends myself. Just thought I'd offer.  


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:59 am
    -face palm- I apologize for the long wait, everyone!

    Phail Ninja

    That's not a problem, dear. RL has gotten the best of me too so completely understandable xD. If you wouldn't mind, can you start? Take your time though if you have too :]

    Teh Roarie

    Sure, but of course! He is quite the looker :]
    Was there a specific plot or a certain soquili you had in mind that you would like to plot with?


    Thank you for the interest!

    For Kaiya: While at the moment I am working out the guidance plot with another soquili, I wouldn't mind having another soquili that Vienna could meet along the way that wouldn't mind being another sort of mentor in her life. Honestly, for this girl, the more guidance she gets the better. Friendship is always a good idea as well, seeing how she needs friends in her life and at the moment, she has none lol.

    For Keiran: Oh her first incounter with a kalona! Now this should be interesting. I wouldn't mind going either way with your idea; I suppose we can just go along with whatever the direction the rp decides to take. Maybe he can intiminate her, and show her that not everything in the world is nice nor should be trusted. As far as a fear of kalonas, perhaps they can meet at a later time in life, like maybe when both of them are a young adult, and he installs a fear of kalonas in her then? If you wouldn't mind them encountering for a second time, that is :]

    for Atraiu: Everything looks good with him :] Friendship is always a good thing, lol. They could even go on a little adventure and maybe even get into some trouble if that sounds good with you :]?

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