Ok, we all know that Edward and his glitteryness has permenatley screwed up our rep like, forever.
Well, we are here to set a few things straight, "we" meaning us other vampires.

Stop thinking that we are all the same, seriously. Discriminate much?

There are many different types of Vampires. Mmkay?

We are kind of like humans. But we belong to a whole 'nother kingdom.

Animals? Nah. Fungi? Psh.
Vampirus? Hell yeah.

We are our OWN Kingdom. Vampirus.

Inside that is different classes.

There are Vampirus Genetics, vampires who turn into bats at will.
There are Vampirus Cholkica, vampires who are like the Cullens
There are Vampirus Hanivica, vampires who are like Dracula (sleep all day, party all night)
There are Vampirus Jalitanis, vampires who are pretty much hybrids of these others

Each vampire has a different type of bites. Not all infect you.

There is a school entirely designed for vampires. No, we do not act all moody like Edward (Most of us), no we don't have a funky accent like Dracula (Most of us.)

Really, we are normal. There are all types of personalities, just like humans

Seriously, do we judge you humans like, ''Oh I hear they're dangerous. You know, because of Napoleon and Hitler. That means they are all dangerous bloodthirsty people who like war." No.

So stop judging us to be moody, secretive, hot, and dangerous just because of Twilight. No blood throws off your digestive system. If you stop eating 90% of your food, you are going to be moody and dangerous too!!

Gosh... also, not all vampires are pitch perfect. We get acne too!
We just are immortal so it gives us a few more decades to get our skin under control.

Continuing on.

The main scene of this RP is our High School specially designed for us. Yeah, it is in the middle of the desert. We don't need some misinformed humans coming to kill us. Its nice though, but the stray aliens get a little annoying.

This high school has no name, we just say, "Oh Im going to school." We don't really see a need for names. We memorize by faces. We can say he and she while perfectly understanding who we are talking about.

Heres the profile:
Human Name (For when we go to the store, blockbuster, etc.):
Age (16-18 decades):
Looks (Words):
Favorite blood type:
Favorite human food:
Favorite human drink: