My uncle is currently in jail. He sent me a poem/short story that he'd like to have illustrated. It's about him and his daughter.

Here's the situation. He's been in jail since August. His wife stole the baby and she's currently up north. We have an address that we've been sending stuff for the baby.

He wrote this and asked me to see what I can do. Now, I don't have any artistic skills outside of photography. :]

So this is why I come to you gals. I'd really like it if I could find someone to illustrate a couple pictures to go along with the story. I can provide picture of both the father and daughter.

I have a limited amount of gold. So I have an issue there. But if someone would like to do it for free of cheap, that would be very much appreciated. We'd like to have this done for Christmas to send up to her.

**Please PM me if you are interested in helping me out. :]