Ninja Name: Maki Inuzuka
Age: 7
Gender: Female
Rank: Academy Student
Village From: Leaf
Specialty in: Nin, Tai
Bloodline: Inuzuka
Other: Has a dog partner that fights alongside her named Ike
Bio: Maki tends to be more shy and is startled easily by other people, but if a comrade is in danger she is willing to step up to the plate. She doesn't remember much of what happened before she found out about the war, all she knows is that she has been searching for her parents and tries to stay close to the village.
What you hope to achieve: To become stronger than the expectations set for her by other people.
Strengths: Loyalty and determination to comrades
Weaknesses: Stubborn and a loud mouth when placed in situations she doesn't understand.
Theme Song: Blue Bird- Hitomi Takahashi
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